Orion's golden Shield: Remarkable clusters and nebulae encircle …
2012年2月1日 · The bright, eye-catching asterism Elosser 1 sits halfway between [Pi.sup.2] and [Pi.sup.3] Orionis and just east of an imaginary line connecting them. In the mirror-reversed view of my 130-mm refractor, Elosser 1 is a J of 13 stars hooked around a golden 9th-magnitude star.
Elosser 1 - Asterism Diagrams - Photo Gallery - Cloudy Nights
2022年2月10日 · Elosser 1 uploaded in Asterism Diagrams: Jump to content Sign In Create Account ; View New Content; Home ; Forums; Articles & Reviews Photo Gallery . Members ; More ; Cloudy Nights ... 1. Options ; Elosser 1. Uploaded by aznuge , Feb 10 2022 10:09 PM View all sizes; Share links; Owner: aznuge (View all images and albums)
Sky & Telescope - February 2020 - 54 - Nxtbook Media
The bright, eye-catching asterism Elosser 1 sits halfway between Pi2 and Pi3 Orionis and just east of an imaginary line connecting them. In the mirror-reversed view of my 130-mm refractor, Elosser 1 is a J of 13 stars hooked around a golden 9th-magnitude star.
2024年11月29日 · A14 Elosser 1 in Orion uploaded in A.L. PATTERN ASTERISM SKETCHES: A14 Elosser 1 asterism
General Observing and Astronomy - Cloudy Nights
2016年3月1日 · Asterisms are not 'officially' recognized, and their designations tend to be settled on by general consensus and/or common useage. Typically the first person to point one out can name it, but it's not too uncommon for others to assign a designation if the discover has not adopted something unambiguous. Posted 01 March 2016 - 07:59 PM.
Eloesser Flap Thoracostomy Window - Operative Techniques in …
The Eloesser flap thoracostomy window was initially described by Leo Eloesser in 1935 and later modified by Symbas and coworkers as a surgical treatment option for patients with tuberculosis and pleural space infections associated with bronchopleural fistulae. 1,2 Two simultaneous goals of the thoracostomy flap, as it was initially described ...
tomy is the Eloesser flap. The primary indi-cation for the Eloesser flap procedure is a bronchopleural fistula–associated PPE that is ineffectively or suboptimally treated by external drainage devices (Molnar, 2007; Reyes et al., 2010). The flap is helpful particularly in debilitated patients who cannot tolerate more aggressive surgeries
Empyema thoracis is a common thoracic problem with a multitude of therapeutic options. The modified Eloesser flap (MEF) is one means of dealing with this problem in selected complicated patients. The purpose of this study is to report our 26-year experience with the MEF. Methods.
The Eloesser flap: Past and present - ScienceDirect
1986年11月1日 · Leo Eloesser designed a flap to drain acute tuberculous empyema in the 1930s. The original concept and design are no longer efficacious because of the introduction of antibiotics and antituberculous drugs.
Current surgical treatment of thoracic empyema in adults
2007年9月1日 · Open window thoracostomy is a simple and safe procedure for high-risk patients and results in quick detoxication. Thoracoplasty kept its final role in pleural space management. Acute postoperative bronchial stump insufficiency requires immediate surgery. Evacuation of toxic material is mandatory. No single-stage procedure offers a solution.