Names of God in Judaism - Wikipedia
A common name of God in the Hebrew Bible is Elohim (אלהים, ʾĕlōhīm), the plural of אֱלוֹהַּ (Eloah). When Elohim refers to God in the Hebrew Bible, singular verbs are used.
Yahweh | YHWH, Adonai, Elohim, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
2025年2月14日 · As Judaism became a universal rather than merely a local religion, the more common Hebrew noun Elohim (plural in form but understood in the singular), meaning “God,” …
四字神名 - 百度百科
四字神名(希腊语:τετραγράμματον,英语:Tetragrammaton,意思是“四个字母”),为古代希伯来人尊崇的神名,在《希伯来圣经》中,用四个希伯来辅音,即יהוה(拉丁化为IHVH、YHWH …
Ask a Scholar: What Does YHWH Elohim Mean? - National …
Let's take a look at the meaning of YHWH Elohim. First, YHWH is a proper noun, the personal name of Israel's deity. Second, Elohim is a common noun, used to refer to deity.
What Does Elohim Mean? Name of God Explained - Bible Study Tools
2021年5月25日 · Elohim is one of the most frequently used names for God in the Bible and means "Supreme, Mighty One". It is not only used of the one true God but is also used on …
O.T. Names of God - Study Resources - Blue Letter Bible
The Names of God in the Old Testament include El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty); El Elyon (The Most High God); Adonai (Lord, Master); Yahweh (Lord, Jehovah)...
The Names of God - My Jewish Learning
In the Bible, God has many other names. He is often described as Elohim, which simply means God. It is in fact, like Adonai, a plural form and is also, on occasions, used to refer to the …
The Name Of The Hebrew God: El, Elohim, Yhwh And More
2024年1月14日 · If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: YHWH (often pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah) is considered the personal name of the Hebrew God in the …
♥ 神的名字 - 聖經研究所 - 傳道人進修資料庫 (基督徒入口網站)
2022年4月30日 · 如:耶和華沙龍(Yahweh-Shalom),即耶和華賜平安;全能的神(El-Shaddai),其特性不言而喻。 這些複合名字直接用名字表達神的某個屬性。 神的名字一覽
埃洛希姆 - 百度百科
埃洛希姆 ( 希伯来语 :אֱלהִים, 英语 :Elohim),又译为 以利 、 耶洛因 、 伊罗兴 , 希伯来语 中,以此来表达“神”的概念。也亦有时指异教的神 。埃洛希姆在圣经中有“上帝们( 神们)”的 …
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