The world in which Elona takes place is known as Ylva, which is currently in its eleventh era, known as Sierre Terre. The original Elona game itself takes place in the region of North Tyris, …
2025年1月19日 · In Elona, each property had its own set of uses, but in Elin there is no such classification. By combining Land Feat, Residents, and Home policies, your land can be used …
Deeds are documents that function similar to scrolls in that they can be read. Unlike scrolls, reading them will cause a different effect. Most of the deeds can be read to construct buildings …
Vehicles, or World-Vehicles, are a way for the player to travel around the world map, added in Elona+ 1.98. Vehicles can be obtained by reading their corresponding deed, with the tint of the …