香薷(学名:Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyl.)是唇形科香薷属植物。直立草本,高0.3~0.5米,具密集的须根。茎钝四棱形,具槽,无毛或被疏柔毛。叶卵形或椭圆状披针形,长3~9厘米,宽1~4厘米。穗状花序长2~7厘米,宽达1.3厘米,偏向一侧,由多花的轮伞花序组成。
Elsholtzia ciliata - Wikipedia
Elsholtzia ciliata, commonly known as Vietnamese balm, comb mint, xiang ru (香薷) or kinh giới in Vietnamese, is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae native to Asia. In the US, it is commonly known as Crested Late Summer Mint. [1] In US Vietnamese grocery stores, it is called Kinh Gioi, Vietnamese Lemon Balm, or Vietnamese Lemon Mint. [2]
Elsholtzia ciliata — crested late-summer-mint - Go Botany
Crested late-summer-mint is of Asian origin, and has been introduced in Europe and northeastern North America. It has the potential to be quite invasive. In Asia it has traditional uses as a medicinal and culinary herb. Anthropogenic (man-made or disturbed habitats)
Elsholtzia ciliata - Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
Sideritis ciliata Thunb. in J.A.Murray, Syst. Nat., ed. 14.: 532 (1784) Heterotypic Synonyms Elsholtzia ciliata var. brevipes C.Y.Wu & S.C.Huang in Acta Phytotax.
Pharmacognostic Study on Elsholtzia ciliata (Thumb.) Hyl: …
Our results confirmed Elsholtzia ciliata to be a rich source of phenolic, flavonoid compounds and to possess high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. The antimicrobial evaluation performed in the current study dealt with the non-volatile extract, named crude ethanol extract and its hexane and dichloromethane fractions.
Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyland: A Review of Phytochemistry and ...
Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyland belongs to the genus Elsholtzia , family Lamiaceae. In the clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine, the aerial parts of Mosla chinensis Maxim (MCM) and Mosla chinensis Maxim cv. Jiangxiangru (JXR) are used as E. ciliata .
香薷属 - 百度百科
香薷属(学名:Elsholtzia)是唇形科下的一个属,为草本、亚灌木或灌木植物。 香薷属共有约40种。 中国有33种,各省区均有,不少种类入药,其中海州香薷E. splendens Nakai列入国家药典。
Vietnamese Balm, Kinh Gioi (Elsholtzia ciliata) - MyGardenLife
Slow release feed in spring. This is a very common native plant in Vietnam and a standard ingredient in Vietnamese cuisine. The plant is ornamental as well as edible, producing bright green saw-edged leaves with a tangy, lemony flavor. Plant near paths, decks or porches where the refreshing fragrance can be enjoyed.
植物志库|物种详情|香薷|Elsholtzia ciliata
Elsholtzia ciliata EOL; Elsholtzia ciliata The Plant List TPL; Elsholtzia ciliata POWO; Elsholtzia ciliata PPGR; Elsholtzia ciliata Eflora.org 香薷 ...
Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyl. Extracts from Different Plant Parts ...
Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyl.—an annual plant belonging to Lamiaceae Martinov family—is widely distributed throughout China, Korea, and Europe . The mint family (Lamiaceae) is an important medicinal flowering plant family that contains about …