The Association for UK Interactive Entertainment - Wikipedia
The association was founded in 1989, though then named as the European Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA). Around 2002, the organisation changed its name to …
娛樂和休閒軟件發行商組織 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
娱乐和休闲软件发行商组织(Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association),簡稱ELSPA,是一个位于英国的由游戏发行商创立的组织,成立于1989年,原名為欧洲休闲软件 …
Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association
The Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA) was a British organisation that represented the interests of video game publishers. From 1994 to 2003 they …
Elspa mætti með dætur sínar - mbl.is
2023年3月31日 · Elspa Sigríður Salberg Olsen lét sig ekki vanta á Íslensku hljóðbókaverðlaunin, Storytel Awards, sem fram fóru í Hörpu í vikunni. Elspa saga konu kom út síðasta sumar og …
ELSPA | GTA Wiki - Fandom
The Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association, formerly the European Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA), was founded in 1989 to establish a specific and …
ELSPA relaunches as UKIE - GamesIndustry.biz
2010年9月7日 · The UK trade organisation formerly known as ELSPA - the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association - has officially relaunched with a new identity.
Entertainment and Leisure Software Publisher's Association
The Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association system (ELSPA for short) was the official (voluntary) video game rating system used in the United Kingdom and Europe …
Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association
La Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association o ELSPA (en español Asociación de editores de software para ocio y entretenimiento) era una asociación británica de editores …
eScatter/elsepa - GitHub
Computes ELastic Scattering of Electrons and Positrons by neutral Atoms, by Francesc Salvat, Aleksander Jablonski and Cedric J. Powell - eScatter/elsepa
20 Years of ELSPA | GamesIndustry.biz
2009年9月4日 · When the trade organisation ELSPA formed in 1989 to become the first of its type in Europe, the games industry was a very different place.