Geonics EM38-MK2 Ground Conductivity Meter
The EM38-MK2 provides measurement of both the quad-phase (conductivity) and in-phase (magnetic susceptibility) components within two distinct depth ranges, all simultaneously, without any requirement for soil-to-instrument contact.
em38-mk2大地电导率仪. em38-mk2能在不与土壤直接接触的情况下,同时测量两个不同深度的电导率和磁化率,最大探测深度为1.5米,可广泛运用于农业,考古学和土壤科学的近地探测,例如土壤盐分普查、土石坝渗漏通道检测、公路地基构造、地质构造勘测等
名称:大地电导仪 型号:EM38-MK2 产地:加拿大. 用途:EM38-MK2大地电导仪用于同时采集土壤的电导率和磁化率数据,EM38-MK2大地电导仪包含2个接收线圈,每个为垂直偶极方向,从发射器相隔1米和0.5米,同时提供数据的有效深度范围分别为1.5米和0.75米。 仪器旋转后,接收线圈为水平偶极方向,有效深度范围分别为0.75米和0.375米。 广泛运用于农田土壤盐分普查、土石坝渗漏通道检测、公路地基构造、地质构造勘测等应用土壤电磁感应测量方法的领域。
The EM38-MK2-1 provides simultaneous measurements of ground conductivity (Quad-Phase) and magnetic susceptibility (In-Phase) with one transmitter receiver coil separation at 1 m for 2 effective depth ranges; 1.5 m in vertical dipole mode and 0.75 m in horizontal dipole mode.
The new EM38-MK2 Ground Conductivity Meter effectively combines the performance features of all previous EM38 models in a single instrument: The EM38-MK2 provides measurement of both the quad-phase (conductivity) and in-phase
EM38-MK2 | Geospatial Modeling & Visualization - University of …
GEONICS EM38-MK2. The EM38 is excellent for determining soil salinity and can cover large areas quickly without needing grounded electrodes. The EM38 provides depths of exploration of 1.5 meters and 0.75 meters in the vertical and horizontal dipole modes respectively.
电导仪EM38-MK2 _参数_价格-仪器信息网
em38-mk2机载大地电导仪可对土壤的电导率和磁化率进行非接触式测量,最大探测深度为1.5米。 广泛运用于农田土壤盐分普查、土石坝渗漏通道检测、公路地基构造、地质构造勘测等应用土壤电磁感应测量方法的领域。
Ground Conductivity Meters - Geonics
EM38-MK2: a recognized standard within the global agricultural community for the characterization of subsurface properties, the EM38-MK2 provides measurement of apparent conductivity and magnetic susceptibility to an effective depth of 1.5 metres.
The EM38-MK2 data acquisition system (DAS70-AR/MX) includes: an Archer or Allegro MXfield computer which are Bluetooth enabled; EM38MK2wm (referred later as EM38MK2) software for data acquisition (programmed for the Archer and Allegro MX MS Windows Mobile 6.1 op-
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