EM7sus4 Chord - JGuitar
Show me scales that sound good with a EM7sus4 chord. Showing results 1 to 6 of 20 chord shapes. EM7sus4 chord diagram. For alternate fingerings, click on the chord diagram.
EM7sus4 guitar chord - GtrLib Chords
E major 7th suspended 4th guitar chord is also written as Emaj7sus4 or EM7sus4. Guitar chords chart for E major 7th suspended 4th chord with suggested finger positions on the guitar fretboard is shown below.
Em 7 sus4 - chordist.com
Different ways to play the Em 7 sus4 chord with a guitar or a keyboard.
E7 Sus 4 Chord On The Guitar (E7 Suspended 4) - Online Guitar …
The E7 sus 4 chord (E7 suspended 4) contains the notes E, A, B, and D. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 4, 5 and b7 of the E Major scale. It can be viewed as an E7 chord with a 4 instead of 3, or an E sus 4 chord with an added b7. Here’s how to play it.
E调挂4吉他7和弦 | 标准吉他 - Standard Guitar
又称为 E7sus4, E7sus, E dominant 7th, suspended 4th English:E 7th Sus4 Guitar Chord
The E Major seventh suspended fourth chord - EM7sus4
This is how you play the E Major seventh suspended fourth chord. Checkout our guitar-diagrams, piano-voicings and sheetmusic images of EM7sus4.
Em7sus是什么和弦? - 知乎
2021年6月21日 · sus这种标记是指把和弦中原本的三音替换成与根音成纯四度关系的音,比如E7sus替换之后三音没有了。 有m说明有三音而且和根音成小三度关系。 所以这种叫法不成立,既有三音又有四音的话应该叫Em7/11。 Sus2是三音降半音,Em7是3 5 7 2,那么Em7sus2就是3 #4 7 2,可以看作E作为根音的Bm和弦。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解 …
EM7sus4 Guitar and Piano Chord Chart » Chordsology
Below, You will find a Chord chart that shows how to play the chord EM7sus4 in different positions. You can also stamp or save it in pdf format.
E7sus4コード (Eセブンス・サスフォー) の押さえ方13通り・指板 …
2024年11月16日 · E7sus4コード (Eセブンス・サスフォー) の押さえ方をギターの指板図で12通り紹介しています。 E7sus4の構成音、Esus4とE7sus4との違いをわかりやすく解説していますので、ぜひコード学習の参考にしてください。 中学2年の時にギターをはじめ、学生時代は軽音楽部でバンド活動に没頭し、卒業後はCDショップで働きながら多様な音楽に触れる。 現在はWebディレクションの仕事をしながら、ESPギタークラフトアカデミーに通いギター製作の …
E7sus4 Guitar Chord (E Dominant 7th Suspended 4th)
The E 7sus4 chord is a dominant seventh suspended fourth, featuring the notes E, A, B and D. This chord omits the third and instead includes the root, perfect fourth, perfect fifth, and minor seventh. The unique suspended quality adds a rich, unresolved sound to your playing, making it perfect for creating tension and drama in progressions.
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