EmEditor (Text Editor) – Best Text Editor, Code Editor, CSV Editor ...
EmEditor is a fast, lightweight, yet extensible, easy-to-use text editor, code editor, CSV editor, and large file viewer for Windows. Both native 64-bit and 32-bit builds are available, and moreover, the 64-bit includes separate builds for SSE2 ( 128-bit ), AVX-2 ( 256-bit ), and AVX-512 ( 512-bit ) instruction sets.
Download – EmEditor (Text Editor)
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EmEditor Free – EmEditor (Text Editor)
If you need a best free text editor, EmEditor Free might be right for you. While not at the same level of EmEditor Professional, EmEditor Free allows you to do most of text editing tasks without purchasing the product.
EmEditor (テキストエディタ) – Windows用のおすすめテキストエ …
EmEditor は、高速・軽量で拡張性のある Windows 用テキストエディター、コードエディター、CSVエディター、巨大ファイルエディターです。 64 ビット と 32 ビット の両方のビルドが利用可能で、さらに 64 ビット 版には SSE2 ( 128 ビット )、 AVX-2 ( 256 ビット ) と AVX ...
ダウンロード – EmEditor (テキストエディタ)
最新版をダウンロード ※ ファイルは emeditor.info よりダウンロードされます。
How do I install the new version of EmEditor?
You can install the new version of EmEditor by downloading the latest version from the EmEditor home page. The steps are as follows: If the EmEditor tray icon is visible, close it by right clicking on the tray icon and selecting Close Tray Icon. Uninstall the previous version of EmEditor from Windows Settings | Apps | Installed apps.
EmEditor 免费版 – EmEditor (文本编辑器)
虽然在功能上EmEditor 免费版没有EmEditor 专业版那么强大,但 EmEditor 免费版简单实用,能帮助您完成大部分的文本编辑工作,是替代记事本的最佳编辑器。EmEditor 免费版的特性包括语法高亮,查找和替换功能,支持 Unicode,和打印功能。
EmEditor v24.5.1 released – EmEditor (Text Editor)
2024年12月20日 · EmEditor v24.5.0 Released – Fixing Large File Bug, Introducing File Verification, and More
Download Help – EmEditor (Text Editor)
You can access the help pages online at https://www.emeditor.org/. You can also download the files to your computer with either the installer or through GitHub releases. The portable version of EmEditor requires you to download the zip archive through GitHub. Download EmEditor Help …
arm64 build – EmEditor (Text Editor)
2024年12月19日 · I’m using Notepad++ for native arm64 but my preferred editor of course is EmEditor, a native arm build would be much appreciated!