Emmaus - Wikipedia
Emmaus (/ ɪˈmeɪəs / im-AY-əs; Koinē Greek: Ἐμμαούς, romanized: Emmaoús; Latin: Emmaus; Arabic: عمواس, romanized: ʿImwās) is a town mentioned in the Gospel of Luke of the New Testament. Luke reports that Jesus appeared, after his death and resurrection, before two of his disciples while they were walking on the road to Emmaus. [1]
Emmaüs France
Depuis plus de 70 ans, le mouvement Emmaüs milite pour un monde plus juste dans lequel chacun retrouve sa dignité et sa place. Laboratoire d’innovation sociale, il invente au quotidien des solutions pour lutter contre l’exclusion.
Emmaus (charity) - Wikipedia
Emmaus (French: Emmaüs, pronounced) is an international solidarity movement founded in Paris in 1949 by Catholic priest and Capuchin friar Abbé Pierre to combat poverty and homelessness. Since 1971 regional and national initiatives have been grouped under a parent organization, Emmaus International, now run by Jean Rousseau, representing 350 ...
What Is the Significance of the Road to Emmaus? - Christianity
2020年12月29日 · Here, we explore what is the significance of the road to Emmaus, and how this understanding can help us in our faith journey today. What Happened on the Road to Emmaus? The Emmaus story appears in Luke 24:13-35. It occurs days after Christ’s crucifixion, the same day the women brought spices to Jesus’ tomb and found the stone rolled away ...
El camino de Emaús ¿Qué es? - Retiro espiritual - emaús.com
Los Retiros de Emaús, o Camino de Emaús como se conoce en algunos países, es un apostolado de la religión católica que nació hace más de 30 años por una directora de Educación Religiosa llamada Mirna Gallagher en Miami. Los inicios de los retiros fueron apoyados por el padre David G. Russell, rector de la Parroquia de St. Louis.
Label Emmaüs, la boutique en ligne avec vos valeurs
Découvrez la boutique en ligne solidaire d'Emmaüs : Déco vintage, Vêtements pas cher, Mode éthique, Livres d'occasion, Vinyles, Smartphones reconditionnés, Artisanat ...
Où donner ? Où acheter ? - Emmaüs France
Vous pouvez déposer vos vêtements dans l'un des 23 000 conteneurs Le Relais Emmaüs. Trouvez un conteneur.
Emmaus University | Christ-Centered Education Uncompromised …
Emmaus University is a private, 4-year, Christ-centered university located in historic Dubuque, IA that focuses on equipping students for their professions and ministries. With 50+ program options in a variety of professional and ministry oriented fields of study and among the region's most affordable tuition rates it no wonder Emmaus is so ...
Donner - Emmaüs France
Grâce à vos dons, le Mouvement Emmaüs lutte contre le gaspillage et le « tout jetable », et prône la deuxième vie des produits et des objets. Ces objets permettent en premier lieu de fournir une activité à des personnes qui en ont besoin.
Emmaus UK | the charity working to end homelessness
Emmaus is a UK based charity and community working together to end homelessness. Find out more about our work today and how you can help. Emmaus supports people who have experienced homelessness by providing them with a home, individual support and work opportunities within a community setting.