Emeici - Wikipedia
Emeici (峨嵋刺; variously translated as "Emei daggers" or "Emei piercers") are a traditional Chinese martial arts weapon. They are a pair of metal rods with sharp ends used for stabbing ; they are typically mounted on a detachable ring worn on the middle finger, allowing them to spin and be elaborately manipulated.
峨嵋刺 - 百度百科
据传说“峨嵋刺”为古代 水战 中使用的一种格斗短兵械,可在水中作刺杀或潜入水底凿穿船底之用,故又称分水峨嵋刺。 后改为陆上应用。 由峨嵋山一位僧人发明,故称之为“峨嵋刺”。 另有一说法,峨嵋刺为蜀中一位 武林高手 所创,因该械形似鹅眉,故得名。 使用时,左右手各执一支,将圆环套于双手的中指上,屈指握紧时可做拦、刺、穿、挑、推、铰、扣等动作技法,张手撒放时可运用手腕的拌劲和手指的拨动使之在手中做快速贴掌转动来迷惑对手,同时配合各种 步型 、 …
峨眉刺:峨嵋刺(éméicì)中國武術器械之一。據記載,峨嵋刺作為 …
據傳說“峨嵋刺”為古代水戰中使用的一種格鬥短兵械,可在水中作刺殺或潛入水底鑿穿船底之用,故又稱分水峨嵋刺。 後改為陸上套用。 由峨嵋山一位僧人發明,故稱之為“峨嵋刺”。 另有一說法, 峨嵋 刺為蜀中一位武林高手所創,因該械形似鵝眉,故得名。 使用時,左右手各執一支,將圓環套於雙手的中指上,屈指握緊時可做攔、刺、穿、挑、推、鉸、扣等動作技法,張手撒放時可運用手腕的拌勁和手指的撥動使之在手中做快速貼掌轉動來迷惑對手,同時配合各種步型、身 …
Katy Kung Fu Center Martial Arts
Emeici (Emei Daggers) Emei Daggers are a traditional Chinese martial arts weapon. They are a pair of metal rods with sharp ends used for stabbing; they are typically mounted on a detachable ring worn on the middle finger, allowing them to spin and be elaborately manipulated.
Ancient Chinese Weaponry: Innovations That Shaped Warfare
2024年11月19日 · One of the more unusual arms in the suite of ancient China weaponry was the emeici, translated as Emei daggers, or Emei piercers. They originated from Mount Emei in Sichuan Province and were thin metal rods with razor-sharp points at each end.
Emeici - Wikiwand
Emeici (峨嵋刺; variously translated as " Emei daggers" or "Emei piercers") are a traditional Chinese martial arts weapon. They are a pair of metal rods with sharp ends used for stabbing; they are typically mounted on a detachable ring worn on the middle finger, allowing them to spin and be elaborately manipulated.
Emei Piercers - Kult of Athena
Emeici or ”Emei Piercers” are a traditional Chinese martial arts weapon taking their name from Mount Emei, where they apparently originated. Emei Piercers consist of thin, symmetrically tapered steel rods topped on either end with a sharp diamond-shaped point .
What does emeici mean? - Definitions.net
Emeici (峨嵋刺; variously translated as "Emei Daggers", "Emei Piercers") are a traditional Chinese martial arts weapon. They are a pair of metal rods with sharp ends used for stabbing; they are typically mounted on a detachable ring worn on the middle finger, allowing them to spin and be elaborately manipulated.
Éméicì | Armory Wiki | Fandom
The Éméicì or Éméizhēn (Mandarin 峨嵋刺 "Emei piercer" or 峨嵋針 "Emei needle") is a set of paired metal rods with sharp ends for stabbing; they are typically mounted on a detachable ring worn on the middle finger, allowing them to spin and be elaborately manipulated. They are associated with the...
Emeici | Combatpit Glossary
Emeici, also known as Emei daggers or Emei piercers, are traditional Chinese martial arts weapons. They originate from the Emei Mountain region in China and are often associated …