EMIEW2:Robotics : Research & Development : Hitachi
EMIEW2 was developed as part of Hitachi's efforts to create a service robot with diverse communication functions that could safely coexist with humans while conducting necessary services. To ensure agility and safety in an office environment, EMIEW2 was designed to a compact height of 80 cm and a portable weight of 14 kg.
EMIEW - Wikipedia
EMIEW is a robot developed by Hitachi. Another version has also been made called EMIEW 2. [1] EMIEW stands for Excellent Mobility and Interactive Existence as Workmate. [2] Two EMIEWs have been made, called Pal and Chum.
EMIEW2:ロボティクス:研究開発:日立 - 日立製作所
そこで、移動時は「EMIEW」で開発した二輪による時速6 kmの高速移動動作を継承し、また、停止時や作業時は安定な四輪姿勢に変形できる「脚車輪型移動機構」を開発しました。
日立机器人EMIEW 2将可自主导航 - 腾讯云
2014年5月14日 · 日立近期宣布升级其类人机器人emiew 2,机器人能够比以前更好地了解周围的环境,可安全地在办公室和医院的人群中自主行动。 EMIEW 2机器人高80cm,重14kg,能够感知人类的运动,并可以自动躲避周围的障碍物。
hitachi: emiew 2 - designboom
2010年7月23日 · since the last presentation of ’emiew’ by japanese technology company hitachi at tokyo design week 2008, this robot now retitled ’emiew 2′ (excellent mobility and interactive existence as...
据日本共同社5月20日报道,日立制作所20日在东京向媒体展示了可进行简单对话的改良版类人型机器人“emiew-2”。 该款机器人可以分辨人类的点头、歪头思考等动作并切换对话内容。
Hitachi's adorable little service robot EMIEW 2. - Robotsvoice
2014年4月7日 · First unveiled in 2007, Hitachi’s adorable little service robot EMIEW 2 has been gradually improving over the years. Standing 80 centimeters tall and weighing 14 kilograms, the robot is rather unusual in that it moves on a combination of legs and wheels, a system that works a bit like roller skates.
Robot | EMIEW 2 | Robotics Today
HITACHI developed a humanoid called EMIEW 2. It communicates with humans, evades obstacles, maps destinations and navigates the building, and has voice processing systems. View Full Description >>
EMIEW 2 robot from Hitachi - Ubergizmo
Hitachi has released a worker robot known as EMIEW 2 (Excellent Mobility and Interactive Existence as Workmate), an improvement over its predecessor that was developed way back in March 2005. This robot is capable of responding to spoken commands, travel along its two wheels at a top speed of 4 mph, and safely navigate its way through crowds of ...
日立推出改良版机器人EMIEW-2 能分辨人类动作 - 环球网
2014年5月20日 · 该款机器人可以分辨人类的点头、歪头思考等动作并切换对话内容。 负责人自豪地表示,“这是人类与机器人默契配合的第一步。 ”</p><p>在当天的展示中,提问者询问机器 …
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