Home - The European Migration Network
2025年3月12日 · EMN Ireland is the Irish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network and is part of the Economic and Social Research Institute and the Department of Justice.
EMN Publications - Ireland - The European Migration Network
2024年12月3日 · EMN Ireland is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.
About Us - The European Migration Network
EMN Ireland is the Irish National Contact Point (NCP) of the European Migration Network and its team is located both in the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and the Department of Justice. EMN Ireland contributes to the EU comparative work of the EMN and supports national-level stakeholders with their information needs through the ...
European Migration Network (EMN) - European Commission
The European Migration Network (EMN) is an EU network of migration and asylum experts who work together to provide objective, comparable policy-relevant information and knowledge on emerging issues relating to asylum and migration in Europe.
European Migration Network - ESRI
EMN Ireland is the Irish National Contact Point (NCP) of the European Migration Network and its team is located both in the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and the Department of Justice. EMN Ireland contributes to the EU comparative work of the EMN and supports national-level stakeholders with their information needs through the ...
European Migration Network (EMN) Ireland - LinkedIn
EMN Ireland, the Irish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network is part of the Economic Social Research Institute (ESRI). The European Migration Network provides up-to-date,...
This EMN study examines the situation of irregularly staying migrants in Ireland and the policy responses towards this group. It presents information collated by way of a common template for an EU-level report which was published by the EMN, Responses to long term irregularly staying migrants- practices and challenges
This EMN Ireland Migration Memo provides a comparative overview of integration monitoring approaches by EMN Countries and outlines key findings of the most recent ESRI Monitoring Report on Integration (2022).
EMN Ireland Country Factsheet 2022 - The European Migration …
2023年7月5日 · The Country Factsheet 2022 provides an overview of key developments and statistics related to migration and international protection in Ireland in 2022. Country Factsheets from other EMN NCPS and from past years are available here.
Emma Quinn - ESRI
Emma Quinn is the Head of EMN Ireland, the Irish National Contact Point (NCP) of the European Migration Network (EMN). EMN Ireland publishes objective and reliable research and information on migration and asylum in order to support policy- and decision-making in the EU and Ireland.