Nauseated Face Emoji — Meaning, Copy & Paste - Emojis Wiki
2024年3月25日 · Nauseated Face emoji is a green smiley, which looks like it tries hard not to vomit. Most often, it is used in its indirect meaning — i.e. to symbolize how extremely sick and disgusted something or someone makes the user.
Face Vomiting Emoji - EmojiTerra
The face vomiting emoji 🤮 shows a yellow face with squinted, scrunched eyes and wide, spewing green vomit. It's used to express extreme disgust, illness, or overwhelming emotions when something is gross, upsetting, or just plain "too much." Perfect for food fails, bad smells, or cringe-worthy moments! Their food combo is ketchup and cereal...
Nauseated Face Emoji - Emojipedia
A sickly-green face with concerned eyes and puffed, often red cheeks, as if holding back vomit. May represent physical illness or general disgust. Not to be confused with 🤮 Face Vomiting.
Face Vomiting Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face with scrunched, X-shaped eyes spewing bright-green vomit. May represent physical illness or disgust, more intensely so than 🤢 Nauseated Face. Face Vomiting was approved as part of Unicode 10.0 in 2017 under the name "Face with Open Mouth Vomiting" and …
Nauseated Face Emoji
Copy and paste this emoji: 🤢 Copy. Emoji Meaning. A sick-looking green face with both eyes open and cheeks puffed. It looks as if it's about to vomit or its trying its best to hold in vomit. Used to convey disgust or the feeling of physical illness.
Face Vomiting Emoji — Meaning In Texting, Copy & Paste
2024年2月29日 · Send this emoji with the 🤢 Nauseated Face emoji to show that you are not feeling so well and either need to go home or need some medical attention. You can also use this emoji to show that just the sight of something makes you feel sick to your stomach.
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Green Face Emoji - Emoji Meaning, Copy and Paste - Emojibook
🤢 Green Face Emoji Meaning. This emoji also known as Green Face emoji, The meaning of 🤢 Green Face emoji is usually used to express the sight of disgusting things which may cause physical nausea or psychological nausea. Also Known As. 🤢 Yuck; 🤢 Barf; 🤢 Disgusted; 🤢 Nauseated Face; Emoji Copy and Paste
Nauseated Face Emoji - What Emoji
🤢 Meaning: A green face with blank eyes, frowned eyebrows, and a tightly clenched mouth with flushed cheeks suggesting held-back puke. As the name suggests, this emoji signifies a general feeling of nausea for anything, it can be a video, image, or even a person.
Yuck Emoji - Emoji Meaning, Copy and Paste - Emojibook
🤢 Yuck Emoji Meaning. This emoji also known as Yuck emoji, The meaning of 🤢 Yuck emoji is usually refers to a reaction to a certain person or situation that makes one disgusted. Also Known As. 🤢 Barf; 🤢 Green Face; 🤢 Disgusted; 🤢 Nauseated Face; Emoji Copy and Paste