Ampeg is a Bass amp instrument manufacturing company that specializes in bass guitar amplification and effects. For over 60 years Ampeg has been providing amplification solutions for professional bass players and aspiring bassists looking for the best bass practice amps.
Ampeg :: Classic Series :: Bass Heads and Cabs
Classic Series Amps all share the same essential DNA: the legendary Ampeg SVT ®. Whether it’s the pitch-perfect replicas of the earliest SVT designs with blue and silver cosmetics or the more contemporary black-with-white piping look from our equally renowned 1980s models, there’s a pro-level rig for you in this most traditional family of ...
Ampeg :: Rocket Bass :: Powerful Combo Amps
From the 30-watt RB-108 practice amp to the stage-ready 500-watt RB-210, Ampeg ® Rocket Bass ® combos deliver exceptional performance, eye-catching ’60s-style looks, and robust feature sets in lightweight and portable packages, making them ideal for everyone from beginners to professionals.
Ampeg PF-500 Portaflex 500-Watt Bass Amp Head - Reverb
Make room for new gear in minutes. Packing features like a built-in compressor with dedicated controls, ultra hi/lo boost buttons, midrange controls with a five-position frequency selector, and pre and post EQ control, the Ampeg PF-500 Portaflex 500W Bass Amp Head offers a dizzying array of features in one of the most compact heads on the market.
Rocket Bass RB-115 Combo Bass Amp - Ampeg Shop US
The 200-watt Ampeg ® Rocket Bass ® RB-115 combo bass amp offers unparalleled performance, stunning ’60s-style looks, and a robust feature set in a light and portable package—making it the ideal amp for practicing, performing, and recording.
Ampeg - Wikipedia
Ampeg ("amplified peg") [1][2] is a manufacturer best known for its bass amplifiers. Originally established in 1946 in Linden, New Jersey by Everett Hull and Stanley Michaels as "Michael-Hull Electronic Labs," today Ampeg is part of the Yamaha Guitar Group.
Ampeg - Sweetwater
Since 1946, Ampeg has been delivering innovative solutions for bass players worldwide. Today Ampeg offers pro-level tone, power, and flexibility for every type of gig. Whether you need a versatile combo amp for practice and rehearsal, a full amplifier stack for large venues, or a world-class DI solution for studio work, Ampeg has you covered.
Ampeg :: SVT Suite :: SVT Amp Heads Plugin
SVT ® Suite features three of the most renowned SVT amp heads: The Heritage TM 50th Anniversary SVT, the Heritage SVT-CL, and the SVT-4PRO. The amps can be paired with any of eight Ampeg speaker cabinets and third-party IRs may also be loaded. Plus, Dual-Cab and Dual-IR modes allow two cabs or IRs to be used simultaneously.
Ampeg Bass Guitar Amps - Sweetwater
From the compact and portable Micro VR to the Heritage SVT-CL powerhouse, there is an Ampeg bass amp for you. Features such as customizable EQ settings, built-in effects, and versatile input options give bassists precise control over their sounds, whether they are playing rock, jazz, funk, or any other genre.
Ampeg Rocket Bass RB-210 2x10 500-watt Bass Combo Amp
2021年3月29日 · The 500-watt Ampeg® Rocket Bass® RB-210 combo bass amp offers unparalleled performance, stunning ’60s-style looks, and a robust feature set in a light and portable package—making it the ideal gigging amp.