Simulate electromagnetic fields in complex structures effectively and efficiently with Empire XPU. Optimize your antennas, components, and systems for RF and microwave applications. Time domain results, S-parameters, near and far field data are generated all in one simulation run for a broad frequency range.
电磁仿真软件的“帝国时代”来临 小记德国IMST公司Empire软件评测
2020年4月1日 · empire软件开发了微波多层介质板垂直金属化孔等周期性结构专用建模工具;全面支持主流印制板、机械结构文件的导入导出功能,模型生成效率比其他软件提升一倍以上,特别适用于微系统总体、天线、馈线、有源组件、模块及系统级功能芯片等产品研发设计中 ...
Performance - Powered by Innovative XPU Technology | IMST GmbH - EMPIRE
EMPIRE XPU is a full 3D EM field solver based on FDTD technique. Time signals, scattering parameters, near and far fields are generated accurately for a broad frequency range within only one simulation run. It shows accurate simulation results within very short simulation time for complex EM designs.
EMPIRE XPU 9.1.0 - 闪电软件园
2025年3月10日 · empire xpu是值得信赖的电磁场 3d 模拟器!全面的仿真解决方案,在天线、微波电路和 em 芯片设计方面提供更多的支持,不仅为您节省大量的实践,并且性能和结果方面也非常有保障!先进的xpu 技术,极快的仿真引擎。更准确的仿真结果,支持与行业标准的 3d cad
Empire XPU – High Performance 3D EM Simulation
EMPIRE XPU is a high performance, high speed 3D RF EM solver. It is faster than other 3D EM solvers by using a unique on-the-fly code generation. Instead of using a universal, pre-built solver engine designed for average engineering PCs, EMPIRE XPU will generate a solver on-the-fly that is optimized for the actual target system and simulation task.
EMPIRE XPU - ambitec
EMPIRE XPU– developed by engineering excellence – is one of the leading 3D electromagnetic field simulators. It is based on the powerful Finite Difference Time Domain method (FDTD), which has become an industrial standard for RF and microwave component and antenna design.
EMPIRE XPU | Software - IMST GmbH
EMPIRE XPU is a leading 3D EM field solver for RF and microwave antennas, components, and systems. Due to its unique on-the-fly compilation it has proven to be the fastest simulation engine which allows the modeling of highly complex...
Empire XPU - 3D Simulators for EM Fields | IMST GmbH
EMPIRE XPU is an outstanding 3D time-domain EM modelling tool for antennas, microwave circuits, EM chip design and more. It is based on the powerful Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, which has become the industry standard for RF and microwave component and antenna design.
Empire XPU – Averture official
The EMPIRE XPU package is one of the leading solutions for modeling 3D electromagnetic fields. It is based on the powerful Finite Difference Time Domain method (FDTD), which is the de facto industry standard for RF and microwave component design and antenna design.
EMPIRE-XPU | Microwave Journal
2024年7月16日 · EMPIRE XPU is an outstanding 3D time-domain EM modelling tool for antennas, microwave circuits, EM chip design and more. It is based on the powerful Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, which has become the industry standard for RF and microwave component and antenna design.
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