Diversey Prosumer Solutions™ | Products
Emerel Multi-Surface Crème Cleanser, 32 oz, RTU (Single) Mild acid formula that quickly removes hard water deposits, grease, soap scum, scuff marks and other stubborn spots and build-up without scratching the surface.
Emerel Multi-Surface Crème Cleanser, 32 oz, RTU (Single)
Mild acid formula that quickly removes hard water deposits, grease, soap scum, scuff marks and other stubborn spots and build-up without scratching the surface. Use on porcelain, ceramic, stainless steel, chrome, Formica® and fiberglass. White in color with a fresh scent.
BenfengXu/emrel - GitHub
Released code for our NAACL22 paper: EmRel: Joint Representation of Entities and Embedded Relations for Multi-triple Extraction. emrel.py is a demo script showing how the fusion and align modules are implemented, you can directly adapt it into the SSAN codebase, and run accordingly.
Diversey | Aramark Resource Site - RTU Products
Below you will find the product specification sheet for each RTU product. Crew Foaming Acid Restroom Cleaner.pdf. Emerel Multi-Surface Creme Cleanser.pdf. Glance HC Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner.pdf. OxivirTb.pdf. Wall Power Foaming Wall Washer.pdf. Diversey | Aramark Resource Site© 2020 Diversey, Inc.
EMNLP 2022 文章阅读 UniRel: Unified Representation ... - 知乎专栏
2023年12月5日 · 12.Xu等人(2022)提出了EmRel,明确引入关系表示,以利用关系、实体和上下文之间的丰富交互。 9.实验结果. 1.模型几乎超过了Normal类中的所有基线和三个重叠模式。
EmRel: Joint Representation of Entities and Embedded Relations …
2025年3月23日 · While existing works only explore entity representations, we propose to explicitly introduce relation representation, jointly represent it with entities, and novelly align them to identify valid triples.We perform comprehensive experiments on document-level relation extraction and joint entity and relation extraction along with ablations to ...
In this paper, we advocate a novel joint triple perspective for relation extraction (see Figure 1 for illustration). Different from previous works that only seek to represent entities, we propose EmRel that creates, refines and leverages the Embedded representations of Relations.
emrel/README.md at main · BenfengXu/emrel - GitHub
emrel.py is a demo script showing how the fusion and align modules are implemented, you can directly adapt it into the SSAN codebase, and run accordingly.
Products - Diversey Prosumer Solutions™
Emerel Plus Alkaline Cream Cleanser, 32 oz, RTU (Single) Alkaline formula that quickly removes grease, soap scum, scuff marks and other stubborn spots and build-up without scratching the 1 x 32 oz./946 mL Squeeze Bottle
EmRel: Joint Representation of Entities and Embedded Relations …
2022年3月8日 · We perform comprehensive experiments on document-level relation extraction and joint entity and relation extraction along with ablations to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method.