EMST150 Expiratory Muscle Strength Trainer • Aspire Products
Description. The EMST150 is the most scientifically tested, clinically proven, handheld expiratory muscle strength trainer available! Designed by a well-respected team of researchers, the one …
Aspire • Aspire
EMST (Expiratory Muscle Strength Training) and specifically the EMST150 have been the subject of more than 70 clinical studies for a diverse set of participants, needs, and objectives. Review …
About Aspire Products • Aspire
Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) Dystussia (disordered cough) Dysphonia (weakened speaking voice) Dyspnea (shortness of breath). These are clinically known by those involved in …
EMST150 for People with Parkinson’s Disease - Aspire
One opportunity is to improve swallow, cough, and speech functions with EMST training. Simple and easy muscle strength training with the EMST150 can provide Parkinson’s patients an …
EMST150 for Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia) - Aspire
The EMST150 has been proven to be effective in addressing weakened respiratory muscles that in turn cause difficulty swallowing
EMST150 for Sleep Apnea or OSA • Aspire
EMST Evidence-Based Areas of Effectiveness for OSA Patients: Improved Sleep Quality, Improved Maximum Expiratory Pressure, and Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) Score. EMST …
EMST150 with the IA150 Adapter for People with COPD • Aspire
EMST Evidence-Based Areas of Effectiveness for COPD Patients: Improved Swallow Function, Improved Lung Function. EMST Protocol for COPD Patients. The EMST150 training protocol …
EMST150 for People with ALS - Aspire
EMST Evidence-Based Areas of Effectiveness for ALS Patients: Improved Maximum Expiratory Pressure, And Swallow Strength. EMST Training Protocol for ALS Patients. The EMST150 …
2021年2月1日 · remove the EMST 150 and increase the setting by turning the knob a half turn clockwise. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you are unable to draw air through the device. Turn the …
EMST/IMST • Recent facial, oral, neck, skull or chest surgery (including cardiac surgery)or trauma • Epistaxis • Esophageal surgery • Active hemoptysis • Lung transplant, Lung resection • For …