EMST75 Lite Expiratory Muscle Strength Trainer - Aspire
The EMST75 Lite is an expiratory muscle exercise device for people with health conditions that have resulted in a compromised respiratory capability. The NEW EMST75 Lite was created for patients who want to begin their training at a lower threshold than our EMST150 provides.
EMST75 Lite | Performance Health
Portable and convenient, the EMST series empowers users to train anytime, anywhere. It's a compact solution offering tangible benefits for both healthy individuals and those grappling with conditions like Parkinson’s, COPD, Stroke, MS, ALS, spinal cord injury, and OSA.
EMST150 & EMST75 lite
Das EMST trainiert nachweislich die Muskeln des weichen Gaumens und führt so bei Patienten mit OSAS ohne Maskenbeatmung zu einer erheblichen Verminderung von Atemaussetzern (Apnoe-Hypopnoe-Index, AHI) und zu einer verbesserten Schlafqualität (11) sowie zu einer Reduktion der Krankheitsschwere auch bei Patienten, denen schon eine Maske ...
EMST150 & EMST75 lite
The EMST is a calibrated respiratory trainer that trains the muscles involved in breathing and swallowing. Many studies have shown that the EMST is easy and simple to use, leads to success quickly and can help with a wide range of breathing and swallowing problems.
EMST75 Lite - Pisces Healthcare Solutions
It has been shown to be effective in building breath power in musicians, athletes, youth, elderly individuals, and people suffering from a range of conditions from snoring to OSA, and from Parkinson’s to ALS. The EMST75 Lite and the original EMST150 are used to increase the strength of the expiratory muscles.
EMST150 & EMST75 lite
De EMST is een gekalibreerde uitademingstrainer die de spieren traint die betrokken zijn bij de ademhaling en het slikken. Veel studies hebben aangetoond dat de EMST gemakkelijk en eenvoudig te gebruiken is, tot snelle resultaten leidt en kan helpen bij een breed scala aan luchtweg- en slikklachten.
EMST 75 Lite | Expiratory Muscle Exercise Device - Sentient …
The EMST75 Lite is an expiratory muscle exercise device for people with health conditions that have resulted in a compromised respiratory capability. The NEW EMST75 Lite was created for patients who want to begin their training at a lower threshold than the popular EMST150 provides.
EMST75™ LITE Expiratory Muscle Strength Trainer - Main Medical
The EMST75™ LITE works the same as the EMST150™, with a lower pressure range of 0-75 cm H20. Both devices are calibrated and measurable, allowing for documentation of patient progress. The EMST is the most clinically proven handheld expiratory muscle strength trainer available!
EMST 75 Lite - EMST 150
The EMST 75 Lite is a newly developed pressure threshold trainer, now available in India for people whose respiratory capabilities have been compromised. The calibrated pressure levels for the EMST 75 Lite ranges from 0-75 cm of H2O, allowing people to start at a lower threshold level than the EMST 150.
EMST 75 Lite and EMST 150 : Which is the right one for you?
2023年7月20日 · The EMST 150 and EMST 75 Lite are both excellent devices to train and strengthen your expiratory muscles, and provide good results with consistent training. The significant difference lies in the threshold range – the EMST 75 provides a lesser and easier starting point due to the range of 0 to 75cm of H2O as compared to the EMST 150’s range ...
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