A premium wine importer and brand builder in Greater China
EMW is a premium importer, distributor and brand builder in Greater China market, working closely with more than 100 family-owned and premium wine estates, sake breweries and craft …
大中华区优质葡萄酒进口商及品牌建设者 - 由西往东美酒公司
由西往东美酒公司是大中华区业内优质的进口商,专注于与来自16个国家的100多个全球知名葡萄酒产区酒庄、烈酒和清酒酿造厂合作。 联系电话:400-8519-567.
East Meets West Fine Wines (EMW) is a premium importer, distributor and brand builder in Greater China market, working closely with more than 110 family-owned and premium wine …
EMW at 20: how did it crack the code of China’s wine market?
2023年10月11日 · As the city hummed with the energy of a nation on the rise, two lifelong friends and later business partners, Edouard Duval and Gregory Bielot, recognized an untapped …
EMW Fine Wines - LinkedIn
Specialized in family owned wineries, sake breweries and craft spirits producers from the most renowned regions in the world, EMW is now exclusively distributing more than 1000 labels …
EMW丨2021 WINE100葡萄酒大赛获奖酒榜单揭晓
emw拥有强大供销网络将美酒销往中国的160多个城市的各星级酒店集团、高端餐厅、精品零售店、线上网店、经销商和私人客户。 自2011年至2020年,EMW以其出色的专业性连续十年被中 …
About us | EMW Wines - East Meets West Fine Wines china
EMW is a leading importer, distributor and brand builder in Greater China market, working closely with more than 100 family-owned and premium wine estates, sake breweries and craft spirit …
EMW Wines | East Meets West Fine Wines
Founded in 2003, EMW is a major wine importer and distributor in Greater China wine market.
16年磨一剑 谁是葡萄酒行业下一个巨头?——访问由西往东美酒公司(EMW…
由西往东美酒公司(East Meets West Fine Wines,以下用“EMW”替代)厚积薄发、架构清晰,近年来发展迅猛,是中国市场最具潜力的葡萄酒进口商及运营商之一。《酒典》杂志在2019年 …
EMW Appoints Gérard Bertrand China Head as New CEO
3 天之前 · EMW Fine Wines (EMW), one of China’s top wine importers, today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Oscar Nagore, as Chief Executive Officer, effective in April. …