Obnovljivi izvori energije - ENCRO
"ENCRO d.o.o. dio je grupacije ENCRO ENERGIJA d.d. koja se bavi razvojem, izgradnjom i vođenjem pogona obnovljivih izvora energije. S više od 15 godina iskustva i više od 141 MW izgrađenih projekata, s ukupnom godišnjom proizvodnjom čiste energije od 397 GWh, ENCRO d.o.o. dio je energetske tranzicije u Hrvatskoj."
About us | Obnovljivi izvori energije - ENCRO
ENCRO d.o.o. is focused on the development, construction, and operation of power plants powered by renewable energy sources (RES). With 15 years of experience and 141 MW of built projects, generating a total annual clean energy production of 396 GWh, ENCRO d.o.o. stands at the forefront of Croatian companies that have paved the way for RES in ...
Obnovljivi izvori energije - ENCRO
ENCRO d.o.o. is a part of the ENCRO ENERGIJA group, which is engaged in the development, construction, and operation of renewable energy sources. With over 15 years of experience and more than 141 MW of projects completed with a total annual production of 397 GWh, ENCRO d.o.o. contributes to the energy transition in Croatia.
ENCRO - 2025 Company Profile & Competitors - Tracxn
6 天之前 · ENCRO is a company based in Zagreb, Croatia, focused on renewable energy sources. They offer solutions for solar portfolios and are involved in stakeholder engagement plans for their projects. The company's director is Tomislav Ćurković.
Adris i ENCRO ulažu u gradnju vjetroelektrane i pet sunčanih …
Adris grupa i grupacija ENCRO su 18. listopada 2023. u Zagrebu sklopili ugovor o zajedničkom ulaganju u obnovljive izvore energije. Prema tom sporazumu, obje kompanije imat će po 50 posto vlasničkog udjela u četirima projektnim društvima koja aktivno razvijaju šest projekata proizvodnje električne energije.
Adris grupa and ENCRO Group sign joint investment agreement
In Zagreb, Adris grupa and ENCRO Group signed a joint investment agreement for renewable energy sources. According to the agreement, each company will have a 50% stake in four project companies developing six power generation projects, one wind farm and five solar power plants, with 122.3MW in total connection capacity and 141.8MW in installed ...
Finland’s Taaleri joins forces with Encro on 111 MW wind project …
2022年8月17日 · Finland-based Taaleri Energia and Croatian renewable energy firm Encro are building two onshore wind farms in Croatia’s coastal region of Dalmatia, with a combined capacity of 111 MW. The wind farms, located near the city of Zadar, are expected to …
ENCRO ENERGIJA d.o.o. - CompanyWall Business
2016年3月29日 · Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću ENCRO ENERGIJA d.o.o. registrirano je na adresi Jurišićeva ulica 1A, 10000, Zagreb, Hrvatska i posluje od 29.03.2016.. Trenutni direktor tvrtke je Iljko Ćurić. Kontakt telefon je 012090120 i kontakt email [email protected].
Finland’s Taaleri Energia & Croatian Wind Energy Firm Encro To …
2022年8月19日 · In unison with Croatia’s wind energy company Encro, Finland’s renewable fund manager and developer Taaleri Energia has bought the Zadar Wind Farm in Croatia. Through this partnership, Croatia’s grid will get roughly 317 GWh of clean energy every year from 25 Nordex wind turbines, and the 111 MW wind farm located in the region of Zadar.
Adris grupa i ENCRO zajednički ulažu u obnovljive izvore energije
Adris grupa i grupacija ENCRO potpisale su ugovor o zajedničkom ulaganju u obnovljive izvore energije, objavljeno je na Zagrebačkoj burzi. Kako je naz...
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