Endocan: A novel inflammatory indicator in cardiovascular disease ...
Endocan (previously known as endothelial cell specific molecule-1, ESM-1), is a potential immunoinflammatory marker that may be linked to CVD. Endocan is released by vascular endothelial cells in several organs. Endocan may play an important role in regulating cell adhesion and raised plasma levels may reflect endothelial dysfunction.
Frontiers | Endocan: A Key Player of Cardiovascular Disease
2022年1月4日 · Endocan, a soluble dermatan sulfate proteoglycan, is mainly secreted by the activated endothelium and expressed by lung and kidney endothelial cells. Its secretion is controlled by pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Endocan as a marker of endothelial dysfunction in hypertension: a ...
2023年8月14日 · Endocan is a novel endothelial dysfunction and inflammation biomarker secreted from endothelial cells. Whether endocan may serve as a biomarker of hypertension is...
Endocan: A novel biomarker for risk stratification, prognosis and ...
2020年10月1日 · Endocan is a soluble proteoglycan secreted by the activated endothelium. It is involved in endothelial cell activation and inflammation. Also inhibits lymphocyte-endothelial cell interaction (anti-inflammatory effect). Endocan values …
Endocan在呼吸系统疾病中的研究进展 - 国际呼吸杂志
内皮细胞特异性分子1 (Endocan)是一种与血管内皮细胞表达分泌有关的新型蛋白多糖,它参与了细胞黏附、迁移、增殖,并与血管炎症和内皮功能障碍有关。 研究表明许多疾病与Endocan表达有关,包括脓毒症、急性呼吸窘迫综合征、冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病、肾脏疾病、癌症等。 随着Endocan在呼吸系统疾病中的探讨研究,发现目前全球大流行的新型冠状病毒肺炎与其表达有关。 引用本文: 彭贵鑫, 管淑红, 周军. Endocan在呼吸系统疾病中的研究进展 [J] . 国际呼吸杂志, …
Endocan: A Key Player of Cardiovascular Disease - PubMed
2022年1月5日 · Endothelial dysfunction is considered to be an early change in atherosclerosis. Endocan, also known as endothelial cell specific molecule-1, is a soluble proteoglycan mainly secreted by endothelial cells. Inflammatory factors such as IL-1β and TNF-α can up regulate the expression of endocan and then …
How can endocan be used as a specific biomarker of endothelial …
2023年8月14日 · Several studies suggest the potential application of endocan, a soluble dermatan sulfate proteoglycan mainly secreted by activated endothelium, as a marker of endothelial dysfunction in patients...
Endocan: a new marker of endothelial function - PubMed
2021年7月1日 · Recent findings: Endocan, an endothelial inflammatory marker, is associated with cardiovascular disease. Summary: Vascular endothelial inflammation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases by influencing thrombogenesis, tumour invasion and secretion of bioactive mediators.
Endocan, a novel glycoprotein with multiple biological activities, …
Endothelial cell specific-1 (ESM-1), also known as endocan, is a soluble dermatan sulfate proteoglycan that is mainly secreted by endothelial cells. Endocan is associated with tumorigenesis and cancer progression and is also related to cardiovascular disorders, autoimmune diseases, and sepsis.
Endocan and the respiratory system: a review - PMC
2016年12月12日 · Here, we review the present scientific knowledge on endocan, with emphasis on the evidence that underlines its possible clinical value as a prognostic marker in several malignant, inflammatory and obstructive disorders of the respiratory system. Keywords: endocan, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, respiratory disorders.