Endometrial carcinoma | Radiology Reference Article
2023年7月20日 · Ultrasound. Endometrial carcinoma usually appears as thickening of the endometrium though may appear as a polypoid mass. premenopausal: normal endometrial thickness varies through the menstrual cycle. diagnosing abnormally thickened endometrium depends on knowing the patient's point in the menstrual cycle
Endometrial thickness | Radiology Reference Article
2023年9月18日 · Endometrial thickness is a commonly measured parameter on routine gynecological ultrasound and MRI. The appearance, as well as the thickness of the endometrium, will depend on whether the patient is of reproductive age or postmenopausal and, if of reproductive age, at what point in the menstrual cycle they are examined.
Endometrial carcinoma | Radiology Case | Radiopaedia.org
Transvaginal pelvic ultrasound demonstrating marked endometrial thickening forming a heterogeneously echogenic mass with internal vascularity on Doppler interrogation.
Endometrial carcinoma (staging) | Radiology Reference Article ...
2024年6月20日 · Endometrial carcinoma staging allows appropriate treatment options to be considered and enables greater prognostic accuracy for endometrial carcinoma. Staging MR imaging is the modality of choice for staging with CT having relatively low specificity (especially for myometrial invasion 5 ).
Endometrial polyp | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年7月24日 · Endometrial polyps are benign nodular protrusions of the endometrial surface, and one of the entities included in a differential of endometrial thickening. Endometrial polyps can either be sessile or pedunculated. They can often be suggested on ultrasound or MRI studies but may require sonohysterography or direct visualization for confirmation.
Endometrial hyperplasia | Radiology Reference Article
2025年2月21日 · Ultrasound features that are suggestive of endometrial carcinoma as opposed to hyperplasia include 13: heterogeneous and irregular endometrial thickening. polypoid mass lesion. intrauterine fluid collection. frank myometrial invasion. MRI. T2: hyperplasia is often isointense to hypointense to normal endometrium 7. Treatment and prognosis
Serous carcinoma of the endometrium - Radiopaedia.org
2022年8月12日 · Serous carcinoma of the endometrium is an uncommon histological subtype of endometrial carcinoma accounting for only 5-10% of all such tumors 2. It is has a clinically aggressive form with early extension of the tumor via fallopian tubes into the peritoneum and peritoneal seeding.
Endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium
2023年2月24日 · Endometrioid carcinoma is arising from precursor endometrial hyperplasia and associated with PTEN gene mutation in 30-90% of cases. They demonstrate a well-defined glandular pattern resembling normal endometrial glands lined by …
Endometrial stromal tumors | Radiology Reference Article
2023年7月7日 · Endometrial stromal tumors (EST) are an uncommon group of tumors arising from endometrial stromal cells. They account for <2% of all uterine malignancies and 10% of all uterine sarcomas 7.
Tamoxifen-associated endometrial changes - Radiopaedia.org
2021年9月20日 · Ultrasound screening of asymptomatic patients taking tamoxifen has been shown to be problematic due to a high number of false positives. Thus, routine ultrasound is not typically recommended for screening if a patient on tamoxifen is not experiencing bleeding 11,12.