Endurance extended vehicle warranty letter scam - Oklahoma …
2020年1月18日 · The thing had 74,000 miles on it and they tried to sell me a warranty for 100,000 miles. No thanks.. I told the guy I could leave the same oil and filter in it and drive the snot out of it and it will last past 100,000 miles. I have 332,000 miles on it now. I do buy auto parts with life time warranties though.
Endurance extended vehicle warranty letter scam - Oklahoma …
2020年1月18日 · Endurance® Extended Car Warranty Pays For Auto Repairs | Endurance The scam is they assign you a fake customer ID number then warn you their (EVSP) Extended Vehicle Service Plan is going to have a price increase Jan, 30th 2020 .
Endurance extended vehicle warranty letter scam - Oklahoma …
2020年1月18日 · The scam is they assign you a fake customer ID number then warn you their (EVSP) Extended Vehicle Service Plan is going to have a price increase Jan, 30th 2020 . Then they warn you after that date they will not be able to honor the service contract pricing designed specifically for your vehicle .
SCAM ALERT AGAIN : Endurance extended vehicle warranty letter …
2020年1月18日 · The thing had 74,000 miles on it and they tried to sell me a warranty for 100,000 miles. No thanks.. I told the guy I could leave the same oil and filter in it and drive the snot out of it and it will last past 100,000 miles. I have 332,000 miles on it now. I do buy auto parts with life time warranties though.
SCAM ALERT AGAIN : Endurance extended vehicle warranty letter …
2020年1月18日 · It is a know fact that too many TV ads are pure scams, yet people fall for all these scammers and spend millions of dollars on them. You should always Google a TV ad for scamming before ever buying into these snake oil sales ads. Why TV stations knowingly run these ads is another problem that...
Endurance extended vehicle warranty letter scam - Oklahoma …
2020年1月18日 · My 2002 Corolla has 326,000 on it now. Just bought a remanufactured engine from AutoZone. The motor when bad at 289,000.
A Scam Going Around | Oklahoma Shooters
2024年9月9日 · Someone messaged me saying they were someone I knew and asked if I knew about CSBG and to contact a Special Agent for money due. I asked them if they knew what state your wife Alice was from and they never answered. I know his wife and she isn't Alice, and she's from Oklahoma. Facebook scam.
Semi-Auto Shotgun Suggestions Needed | Oklahoma Shooters
2025年1月24日 · I personally don’t have any experience with semi-auto shotguns, but do know I want reliable, under $700, and wood stock possibly adjustable. So far I’ve read heard and watched enough to figure I’m looking for something gas driven, and weighing 6 to 9lbs. I’ve had input of a Remington 1100 but am so far unable to find one in budget.
Texas Auto Value legit? - Oklahoma Shooters
2022年8月20日 · You need to have your bank call their bank and make sure funds are in your account before he gets the vehicle.
Tacnation speed loaders? | Oklahoma Shooters
2024年11月21日 · Anyone ever tried one of these? If so are they any good? I am trying to figure out what the wife can get me for Christmas. :P...