Cosign - Wikipedia
Cosign may mean: Co-signing, promising to pay another person's debt arising out of contract if that person fails to do so CoSign single sign on, a secure single sign-on web authentication system
Eng.Co Group - LinkedIn
The Eng.Co Group is a cost effective client centric organization that drives global standardization, with local content, and provides innovative solutions that overcome everchanging...
Eng.Co Group | Global Engineering Team
Eng.Co.US LLC is an OT and HIPAA Cyber Security and Functional Safety company in the United States of America established in 2024 after working through Eng.Co.Cz since 2022. We have …
使用 Cosign 进行镜像签名和校验 - 腾讯云
2021年4月8日 · 执行命令之后,输入密码,就会生成密钥对文件,私钥和公钥分别是 consign.key 和 cosign.pub。 可以使用前边生成的密钥对进行签名,例如我的工具镜像: 读者需要注意的一点是,这个功能是对 仓库中镜像的哈希码 生效的,因此签署过程无需本地镜像的参与,cosign 会直接在 镜像仓库 中获取对应 tag 的 sha256 内容,签署之后生成一个 OCI 镜像推送到该镜像的原有仓库之中,例如前面为 dustise/sleep:v0.9.6 进行签名,就生成了一个 dustise/sleep:sha256 …
CO-SIGN在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
CO-SIGN的意思、解释及翻译:1. to sign a document together with another person or other people: 2. to sign another person's…。 了解更多。
Co-sign (Definition & How to Easily Remember)
to sign a document as a way of indicating agreement or endorsement. - I decided to co-sign the loan for my friend, even though I knew it was a risk. - To help her secure the apartment, her …
CO-SIGN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CO-SIGN definition: 1. to sign a document together with another person or other people: 2. to sign another person's…. Learn more.
co-sign - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
Definition of co-sign verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. to sign a legal document for somebody else, in addition to their own signature, in order to promise that an agreement will be kept. See if your parents will co-sign. co-sign for somebody Since you don't have a job, someone must co-sign for you.
eSign | 100% FREE Electronic Signature & Online Notary
100% free digital signing. Send 3 docs/month with 1GB storage. No signup or credit card needed.
Cosign - definition of cosign by The Free Dictionary
to sign a document jointly with another; to endorse, as for a mortgage: his father cosigned the loan on his new car