Engesa - Wikipedia
Engesa (Engenheiros Especializados S.A.) was a Brazilian automotive and defense company headquartered in the state of São Paulo. Founded in 1958 by engineer José Luiz Whitaker Ribeiro, it produced jeeps, trucks, off-road vehicles, tractors, and armored vehicles for both civilian and military markets.
恩格萨 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2013年3月16日 · 恩格萨(葡萄牙语: Engenheiros Especializados S/A ,缩写为“Engesa”)是一家巴西企业,主要于农业和国防领域生产车辆,特别是军用卡车、装甲战斗车辆、民用运动型多用途车等产品,曾为巴西最大的武器研发商。
Engesa – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A Engesa foi uma empresa automobilística e bélica brasileira, sediada no estado de São Paulo, fundada em 1958 pelo engenheiro José Luiz Whitaker Ribeiro. Produzia jipes, caminhões, veículos fora de estrada, tratores e blindados para os mercados civil e militar.
The Rise and Fall of Engesa | Armored Warfare - Official Website
2015年8月3日 · Engesa (an abbreviation of Engenheiros Especializados S/A) is one example of how even a large and well-known company can completely vanish from the market in a very short time. In its heyday, the company was actually one of the largest armor producers in the world – but the "golden times" were followed by fast decline and a bankruptcy that ...
Engesa | Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki | Fandom
Engenheiros Especializados SA, or Engesa, was a Brazilian company in the agriculture and defence sectors that specialized in producing tactical military trucks and armoured fighting vehicles, as well as civilian SUVs similar to Jeeps. The company's first headquarters was located in Liberty Avenue in the city of São Paulo, SP, and was founded ...
恩格萨 - 百度百科
“火之战车”系列丨巴西轮式装甲车小史(外篇) | 机核 GCORES
Engesa - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年11月7日 · Engesa's APCs were all based on an indigenously designed suspension system. Engesa's weapons were exported almost exclusively to the developing world, especially to countries in the...
Engenheiros Especializados S.A. ENGESA - Army Guide
Engesa [Engenheiros Especializados S/A] was formed as a private firm. Initially, it was involved in renovating World War II-vintage tanks. Engesa built wheeled APCs, such as the EE-11 Urutu amphibious APC, the EE-9 Cascavel armored reconnaissance vehicle, the EE-17 Sucuri tank destroyer, and the EE-3 Jararaca scout car, in addition to a wide ...
【坦克探秘11】Osorio EE T1 - 哔哩哔哩
最终Engesa选择侧重于更加现实的第二项指标。 最终成果是造出了一种适配有英国维克斯公司设计的两种炮塔的底盘,预计分别测试了两种火炮(维克斯的L7 105mm线膛炮和莱茵金属的120mm滑膛炮)。
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