EnglishClub :) Learn English Online
What is English? A look at the English language. History of English Roots of English and how it came into being. Interesting English Facts In no particular order. Joe's Cafe Personal blog of EnglishClub Founder. EnglishClub Blog News and views from EnglishClub. Language Tools From dictionaries to converters. ESL Downloads Free for learners and ...
What is English? | Learn English
English is probably the third language in terms of number of native speakers (after Mandarin and Spanish); and probably the most widely spoken language on the planet taking into account native and non-native speakers. Consequently English is sometimes described as a "world language" or a "global lingua franca".
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Prepositions of Time - at, in, on | Learn English
For a full list of prepositions plus examples and quizzes, get the PDF ebook English Prepositions List by EnglishClub founder Josef Essberger. IIlustrated with example sentences, quizzes and answers. IIlustrated with example sentences, quizzes and answers.
Definite Article and Indefinite Article | Learn English
In English, a singular countable noun usually needs an article (or other determiner) in front of it. We cannot say: I saw elephant yesterday. We need to say something like: I saw an elephant. I saw a pink elephant. I saw the elephant. I saw your elephant. But see ZERO Article for cases when no article or other determiner is needed.
Prepositions | Learn English
EnglishClub: Learn English: Grammar: Prepositions Prepositions. Prepositions are very common words. Seven of them are in the top 20 words in English. Prepositions link a word to another part of the sentence and tell us what the relationship is, for example in space or time. What is a Preposition? With What is a Preposition? Quiz . Preposition List
Short Stories | English Reading
3000 words (British English) The background to this short story is the tropical island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. This is a story of quick lust and long revenge - with an ironical twist at the end. Comments. The Metro Advanced 7000 words (British English) This short story is set in Paris. This is a story of love and murder, and a little ...
Phrase vs Clause vs Sentence - With Example Sentences
An English sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!). Every sentence must have at least one independent clause, meaning it has a subject and a verb and can stand on its own. Sentences can be: simple (one independent clause) compound (two independent clauses)
Synonyms and Antonyms | Learn English
EnglishClub: Learn English: Vocabulary: Reference: Synonyms / Antonyms Synonyms and Antonyms Synonym. A synonym is a word that means exactly the same as, or very nearly the same as, another word in the same language. For example, "close" is a synonym of "shut".
Interactive Phonemic Chart | Learn English
EnglishClub: Learn English: Pronunciation: Interactive Phonemic Chart Interactive Phonemic Chart Listen to the sounds of English. Please wait a few seconds while the chart loads... The symbols on this clickable chart represent the 44 sounds used in British English speech (Received Pronunciation). Click on each symbol or sample word to hear.