Emil Nolde - Wikipedia
Emil Nolde (born Hans Emil Hansen; 7 August 1867 – 13 April 1956) was a German-Danish painter and printmaker. He was one of the first Expressionists, a member of Die Brücke, and was one of the first oil painting and watercolor painters of the early 20th century to explore color. He is known for his brushwork and expressive choice of colors.
Emil Nolde - 50 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Emil Nolde (born Emil Hansen; 7 August 1867 – 13 April 1956) was a German-Danish painter and printmaker. He was one of the first Expressionists, a member of Die Brücke, and was one of the first oil painting and watercolor painters of the early 20th century to explore color. He is known for his brushwork and expressive choice of colors.
埃米尔·诺尔德 - 百度百科
埃米尔·诺尔德是 德国 著名的画家和版画家, 表现主义 代表人物之一。 原名埃米尔·汉森(Emil Hansen),生于德国和丹麦边境的村庄 诺尔德。 早年当过木匠。 1898年,他在被慕尼黑美术学院拒收之后,开始到各地游学,参加私人的绘画培训课程。 这时期他开始接触当时非常流行的 表现主义。 1901年 移居 柏林。 1902年改名埃米尔·诺尔德。 1906-1907年短暂地参加了表现主义画家组织 桥社 (Die Brücke)。 1913年到1914年间他随同帝国殖民局的考察团到访了南太平洋 …
埃米尔·诺尔德 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
埃米尔·诺尔德(Emil Nolde,1867年8月7日—1956年4月13日)是德国著名的画家,擅长水彩,表现主义代表人物之一,他独特的用色方法给人们留下了深刻的印象。
Emil Nolde | Expressionist Painter, German Artist | Britannica
Emil Nolde (born Aug. 7, 1867, Nolde, near Bocholt, Ger.—died April 15, 1956, Seebüll, near Niebüll, W.Ger.) was a German Expressionist painter, printmaker, and watercolourist known for his violent religious works and his foreboding landscapes.
Emil Nolde - Artnet
Emil Nolde was a German Expressionist known for his paintings and prints of flowers, landscapes, and folklore. The vibrancy of color and rough-hewn mark-making Nolde used in works such as Stormy Sea (1930), bore the influence of Vincent van Gogh .
埃米尔·诺尔迪 - 百度百科
埃米尔·诺尔德(Emil Nolde,1867年8月7日-1956年4月13日)是德国著名的画家和版画家,表现主义代表人物之一。 原名埃米尔·汉森(Emil Hansen),生于德国和丹麦边境的村庄诺尔德。
德国表现主义画家 埃米尔·诺尔德 Emil Nolde 名作(代表作)《红 …
埃米尔·诺尔德 Emil Nolde(1867 - 1956),是德国著名油画家和版画家,表现主义(Expressionism)代表人物之一。 他是最早的表现主义者之一,也是“桥社”(Die Brücke)的成员之一,并且是20世纪初期第一批探索色彩的画家之一。
西方艺术史:表现主义流派桥社画家 埃米尔·诺尔德的狂热色彩油画
2020年3月23日 · 埃米尔·诺尔德(Emil Nolde,1867-1956年)德国著名油画家和版画家,表现主义艺术家和桥社成员之一。 原名埃米尔·汉森(Emil Hansen)。 《自画像》1917年. 他早期以印象派的技法作画,画面色彩明快强烈,呈现出某种神奇的光感与张力。 《运河》 1906年诺尔德应施密特的邀请加入桥社,成为这个团体中最有才华的画家。 1908年,诺尔德成为柏林分离派的成员。 1911年,他加入了康定斯基的青骑士社。 《花圃》1908年. 《激动的人们》 《圣灵降临节 …
Emil Nolde Paintings, Bio, Ideas - TheArtStory
Emil Nolde is often viewed as an isolated figure in modern art, which would seem to mitigate his influence. Perhaps this is because of his self-imposed distance from organized art groups and his support for and later condemnation by the Nazi party.