End City - Minecraft Wiki
End cities consist of tall skyscraper-like towers constructed out of end stone bricks and purpur blocks. An End city may generate as a single tower by itself, or as a sprawling complex of inter-connected towers and pathways branching from a main tower. End rods and ender chests are the only source of light. Many shulkers spawn around the city ...
[ER]末地:创世 (End Remastered) - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中 …
End Gate - 这是一个存在于主世界地下的地牢,专注于探索和挑战,内含陷阱,可以跟随12种末影之眼找到。为了找到隐藏的传送门房间,你需要通过3个解密关卡,所有房间随机生成,这意味着不同End Gate结构和关卡会有变化。
末地城 - 中文 Minecraft Wiki
末地城自然随机地生成在末地的外部岛屿,可以通过杀死 末影龙 后出现的 末地折跃门 进入,也可以采用其他方式,通过穿越岛屿之间的间隙“徒步”到达。 它们总是生成在较大的、有 紫颂树 生长的岛屿上。 如果 末地折跃门 将玩家传送到了较小的岛屿上,玩家则需要建造桥梁或抛出 末影珍珠 来登上距离最近的大岛。 末地城总是生成在地势平坦的“内陆区”或“高原地带”,这些地形位于大型岛屿上。 末地城相当罕见,并生成在随机的岛屿上。 玩家可能会在同一座岛屿上找到聚集在 …
End spike - Minecraft Wiki
End spikes, also known as obsidian spikes, obsidian pillars, obsidian towers, and end pillars are a feature in The End biome that are made of obsidian. End spikes generate naturally the first time the player enters the End, and regenerate when the ender dragon is respawned.
End Crystal Tower - Planet Minecraft
2021年10月28日 · ∼ ♦ End Crystal Tower ♦∼ This map is my reimagining of The End pillars. I really hope we get an official End update to Minecraft soon! ♥ The blue 'download minecraft map' button is the new/updated file containing multiple schematic file formats. Formats Provided: - Litematica (.litematic) - WorldEdit/MCEdit/Schematica (.schem)
End Tower in Minecraft Marketplace | Minecraft
Check out End Tower, a community creation available in the Minecraft marketplace.
End Tower - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
This mod add a new tower to the end inspirated Tower from Minecraft Dungeons. A End Tower has 6 levels. 1 - Maze level. 2 - Fight level. 3 - Parkour level. 4 - Speedrun level. 5 - Another maze level. 6 - Boss and reward level. If you complete the End Tower you get a great reward!
End tower - Stardust Labs Wiki
2023年7月11日 · The End tower is a structure inspired by End cities that can be found in the outer end surface or floating around with Shulkers inside. It has two versions, one with an open rooftop and one with a covered rooftop.
Browse All Ender End Schematics - Abfielder
Abfielder's minecraft schematic's website offers a large selection of minecraft schematics in the popular litematic format. As well as world downloads and nether portal caulations.
End City/Structure - Minecraft Wiki
2024年10月15日 · This page documents the layer-by-layer composition of a given generated structure, terrain feature, or feature. This page was last edited on 15 October 2024, at 15:45. Content on this site is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted; additional terms may apply. Not an official Minecraft website.
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