FV 703 Ferret Mk2/6 AUZ ENTAC, French missiles on a British …
2023年9月2日 · poll poll INTRODUCTION The Daimler Ferret was a replacement for the Daimler Dingo and its contemporaries of WW2 vintage. An astounding 4409 were built and serve all …
NM33 Rakettpanserjager - Prototype with 10 ENTAC missiles!
2024年12月16日 · NM33 Rakettpanserjager TYPE: Anti Tank Guided Missile Carrier VEHICLE: Norwegian Modified BV202N AMOUNT BUILT: 3x ARMAMENT …
FV701 Ferret Mk1 CAN ENTAC, the first deadly Ferret
2023年9月2日 · ENTAC. ENTAC ("Engin Téléguidé Anti-Char") or MGM-32A was a French MCLOS wire-guided anti-tank missile. Developed in the early 1950s, the weapon entered …
AMX-13 mod.56 ENTAC: Belgium's first missile carrier
2023年8月10日 · poll poll Welcome to another suggestion for a Belgian vehicle. This time we’ll be having a look at a Belgian version of the French AMX VCI platform, the AMX-13 mod.56 …
AMX-13 mod.56 MILAN - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2023年8月10日 · They operated 5 different types of the vehicle in different numbers. 305 troop transports, 72 mobile command posts, 90 mortar vehicles, 58 cargo vehicles, and 30 ENTAC …
M1167 HMMWV - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2024年2月18日 · poll The HMMWV (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) or the most common known name is Humvee, designed and built by AM General. The Humvee is a utility …
List of Previously Suggested Ideas - War Thunder
2023年6月18日 · A reference archive of previously suggested threads related to Other Nations Ground Forces. This thread is a document for everyone to see and check before they create a …
Australian vehicles - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年9月10日 · Land Rover Series 2 ENTAC ATGM mount AS9 Huntsman Leopard AS1 ASLAV-25 ASLAV-25 TOW Turret Boxer 133 CRV AS21 Redback Hawkei models including a …
CATI 90 --- ASU-57s Belgian brother with HEAT - War Thunder
2023年10月26日 · poll poll The CATI 90 (Canon Antitank d’Infanterie 90 mm) was a Belgian light tank destroyer based on their old Loyd carrier stocks that they wanted to put to use. The result …
Canadian Ground Forces Tech Tree - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年8月3日 · poll Canadian Ground Force Tech Tree Canada’s military history is rich and diverse, encompassing significant contributions to various conflicts and peacekeeping …