Entity 167 - “派对之主” - 哔哩哔哩
实体编号: 167. 栖息地:-“享乐层”, Level 199, Level 188, Level 20 (已死亡)。 描述: 派对之主 是一种巨大的麸质状怪物,看上去是由蛋糕制成的,其团块中央有一只巨大的类人眼。 派 …
Entity 167: "Party Hosts" - Backrooms Freewriting Wiki
Entity 167 also known as "Party Host", is 168th entity that appears in both the Backrooms and the Funrooms. The only photo of a partyhost. But why is it so blurry...
Entity 167 - "The Party Hosts" - The Backrooms
are huge glutenous monstrosities that appear to be made out of cake, with one huge human-like eye in the center of the mass. The are immobile and cannot move as they are seen stuck to …
帕尔特和安瑟的Level 11之旅 (2) - The Backrooms中文维基
大蛋糕子:派对之主像蛋糕制成的,详见Entity 167-派对之主。
Party Hosts | The Partyverse Wiki | Fandom
Party Hosts also known as "Entity 167" in The Backrooms or "Entity 01", are passive entities found in the Backrooms and in the Funrooms. These entities are immobile, firmly stuck to …
Party Host | Escape The Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
Danger Level: Deadly Entity Number: 167 The Party Host is an Entity in Escape the Backrooms. It appears to be a cake with an eyeball. Party Hosts are Cakes with bright green icing, and the …
【Backrooms后室】实体介绍 Entity-167 派对之主 - 哔哩哔哩
,后室实体介绍:派对姬(entity C-67-J),后室实体30号母亲,也即Level1.5之主,【Escape The Backrooms】——所有死亡画面——All Death Jumpscares【PART 4】4K 60 FPS,【4K 重 …
Entity 167: "Party Creators" - Backrooms Freewriting Wiki
Entity 167, known as The Party Creators, are enigmatic and highly dangerous beings deeply connected to the Partygoers. They are considered an evolved or expanded version of …
Entity 167 - Party Hosts | The Better Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
Party Hosts are huge glutenous monstrosities that appear to be made out of cake, with one huge human-like eye in the center of the mass. The Party Hosts are immobile and cannot move as …
Entity 167 - "Party Hosts" - Backrooms Redacted Wiki
Party Hosts, also known as Entity 167, are creatures that appear to be gluttonous monsters with a single large, blue human eye in the center of their mass. These entities initially resemble …