Does entity303 exist? - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
2017年1月14日 · No, Entity 303 is not real. Neither is Herobrine, Null, or any other Minecraft creepypasta. Don't believe everything you read online. Also, all creepypastas are fake, so if you ever read one, just remember it's not real.
Asking about the Entity 303 thingy - Minecraft Forum
2014年9月7日 · Entity 303 is exactly what Herobrine is. A creepypasta character. Neither Entity 303 nor Herobrine have ever existed outside of stories, hoaxes, or mods, nor will they ever exist within the game's vanilla code. Furthermore, we do not allow the discussion of Herobrine or other hoax characters on these boards outside of the fan art sections.
Entity 303 investigation - Discussion - Minecraft: Java Edition ...
2017年1月7日 · I am investigating on entity 303. I believe that both Entity 303 and Herobrine are hackers. I don't believe entity 303 or herobrine are real.
ENTITY 303 v.1.0.0 - Are you ready for this? - Minecraft Forum
2016年5月7日 · Entity 303 is said to be not just the former employee but a whole team of hackers going by usernames like "303mojang.com303," and "entity.303". If you have any files in your computer that are named anything with "303", then it could be 303's hackers.303 can also hack in to player's worlds and corrupt them. 1/40 players are affected by 303 and ...
[0.11.1] Entity 303 Mod - Pocket Edition! - Minecraft Forum
2015年7月17日 · I made a mod that adds an Entity 303 boss battle to Minecraft: Pocket Edition. To get a spawner, type in the command "/get303spawner" (will be replaced with a recipe), or use TooManyItems or similar to get ID 695.
Entity 303???!!!!! - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
2014年8月29日 · Also if you want to discus herobrine or strange things you have noticed in your worlds. I'm sure you want to know stuff to so just share information please! Discuss whether you think its real or whatever. If you have photo evidence or anything of …
Entity 303? - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
2014年8月29日 · Hello I just heard my friend talking about something called "Entity 303". I don't know what it is and I haven't found any good information on Google. Please respond. NOTE: THIS ISN'T A HEROBRINE RELATED TOPIC. JUST TO LET YOU GUYS KNOW BECAUSE ANOTHER POST RELATED TO ENTITY 303 WAS LOCKED ON THIS FORUM
[1.3.1] Seed - 303 - Seeds - Minecraft Forum
2014年8月26日 · Game Version: 1.3.1 Seed: 303 Description: Extreme Hills biome. Hills are everywhere. Hills go high. NOTE: Make sure huge biomes are off.
Herobrine and entity 303 mod/plugin and name hider mod/plugin
2014年7月28日 · Hi this mod Is pretty much for trollers (like myself) to troll. it works pretty much like using the command /skin Herobrine or /skin entity 303 and have have no username. Also If that is not possible make a mod that makes the name tag disappear
is herobrine/entity 303, etc real?? - Minecraft Forum
2016年7月11日 · is herobrine/entity 303, etc real?? #1 Jul 11, 2016. miner54123. miner54123. View User Profile View Posts