Entity 68 - "Partypoopers =)" - The Backrooms
The M.E.G. calls us Frowning Husks, or simply Entity 68. Our defective nature comes from the incomplete mental degradation that all transformed humans endure. Our bodies were all successfully changed, but the transformation seemingly came to a …
实体编号68 - 已灭绝实体 | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
实体68当地人称为乔纳森·沃尔特斯,是一个在Level 15修理故障机械且友善的的人形实体。 对讲机:所有M.E.G.特工到Level 15参加紧急协议。 致命错误251: 姓名编辑软件已经停止运行。
Entity ZH 68:“掃興者” | Backrooms Freewriting Wiki | Fandom
他们在数字上被归类为实体 68,比他们的对手和同伙派对狂高一位。尽管与实体 67 有关联,但扫兴者是其反义词。 他们是人形实体,全身被衣服包裹,几乎没有裸露的皮肤。
The Backrooms Entity Database | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
Entities are supernatural creatures inhabiting the Backrooms. They are classified into three categories: their number, name, and habitat. "Number", as the name suggests, refers to the numerical notation of an entity. "Name" is what the entity is known as. Lastly, "habitat" refers to how often you'll encounter the entity.
Entity 68: "Partypoopers" | The Partyverse Wiki | Fandom
Entity 68 also known as "Partypoopers", once enigmatic entities dwelling within Level 52, in The Boredom Room, stood as a stark contrast to their more celebratory counterparts, the Partygoers. Renowned for their peace-loving nature and marked polarity, Partypoopers adopted a distinctive appearance, resembling a figure clad in a black jacket ...
Entity 68: "Partypoopers" - Backrooms Freewriting Wiki
The Partypoopers, classified as Entity 68, are the empathetic and oppositional counterparts to the Partygoers (Entity 67). Known for their friendly behavior and deep empathy for wanderers, the Partypoopers are a stark contrast to the violent and manipulative nature of the Partygoers.
Entity 68 “[已灭绝实体]” - 哔哩哔哩
实体编号: 68. 栖息地: - 已灭绝. 描述: 扫兴客是居住在Level 52的实体。他们通常以其与派对客的相反性和爱好和平的天性而闻名。由于享乐战争的发生,这个实体现在已经灭绝了。关于享乐战争的更多信息,请访问Level 52页面。 行为:
Entity C-68 - “寻友熊” - The Backrooms中文维基
Entity C-68,又被称为" 寻友熊 ",是一种出现于后室C层群层级的实体,该实体具有一定危险性,不建议流浪者与之有过多接触。 寻友熊 的行为模式大体可以分为以下三种: 该状态下的 寻友熊 会在层级内游荡,并且会用轻柔的语气歌唱儿歌,这样的歌唱会吸引实体聚集,同时使实体的敌意减弱 1,但是因此被聚集的实体并不会攻击 寻友熊,若它找到实体或流浪者并跟随,它就会进入结友状态。 该状态下的 寻友熊 会主动跟随流浪者或实体,并且会用兴奋的语气与其交流,此时它们 …
Entity-68:"Partypoopers" - Darkrooms Wiki
Entity Number:68 Habitat: Blavel 52 Over=) - Extinct The Partypoopers were Entities that resided on Blavel 52. They were usually known for their polarity with the Partygoers and their peace-loving nature. Due to the events of The Fun War, this entity is now extinct. For more information on the...
Entity J-68-C“扫兴鸭” - The Backrooms中文维基
其他人因为这个vobic而感到深刻的羞愧感,以Srther、Ket还有Arem的评级来这已经对人民造成严重的精神影响,我的答案选择是加个作为特殊的生命等级:♀(那个符号我打不出来,真twoy)。 skskmsksk 。 x。 s [ 操你妈,这鸭子敢咬我. 好了完事了. 在刚才的打斗过程中我不幸的使用锤子让ass身亡,这让我发现她的血液是红色。 joe不知道去哪了但是他妈妈来了,现在情况很糟糕因为扫把不知道去哪里了我们可不能把尸体留在地上…… 怎么没死………… 一只蓝色的脚,你可 …