bash - Run multiple commands with entr - Stack Overflow
2021年6月2日 · echo "$1" | entr -s 'refer references.bib $1 | groff -ms $1 -T pdf > $2' This may have advantages such as if the original command can run in the default shell (e.g. zsh ) …
linux - detecting directory changes with entr - Stack Overflow
2022年3月23日 · I've made a script applying entr but it doesn't seem to work as intended. #!/bin/bash ls -d * /Users/me/test | entr echo hey when I run the script it echos "hey" once, but …
using entr to watch a directory without any matching files
2022年2月22日 · The alternative I can think of is to use entr to watch the whole directory for any changes, and if so, run ls -l *.ica and if the change resulted in a new ica file, and then in turn, …
go - Entr not restarting server - Stack Overflow
2020年6月13日 · entr and go run not playing nice. 1 How to start the upstart process for golang application? 0 ...
python - 3 functions for computing relative entropy in scipy.
2020年8月12日 · In contrast, both scipy.special.rel_entr and scipy.special.kl_div are "element-wise functions" that can be used in conjunction with the usual array operations, and have to be …
webserver - entr and go run not playing nice - Stack Overflow
2015年3月24日 · I'm doing some light web development in go, and running into a problem with entr. I'm editing .go files in a directory while having . ls *.go | entr -r go run *.go running in a …
sql - How to insert date values into table - Stack Overflow
2015年12月17日 · let suppose we create a table Transactions using SQl server management studio. txn_id int, txn_type_id varchar(200), Account_id int, Amount int, tDate date );
How to import a .cer certificate into a java keystore?
Importing .cer certificate file downloaded from browser (open the url and dig for details) into cacerts keystore in java_home\jre\lib\security worked for me, as opposed to attemps to …
tkinter: input entry & generate result without button press
2021年4月29日 · This is my first attempt at tkinter. I was using this tutorial, code below, where a user input a number, and with a button generate a result at another window. import tkinter as …
c# - Troubleshooting "program does not contain a static 'Main' …
In my case (where none of the proposed solutions fit), the problem was I used async/await where the signature for main method looked this way: