Enhanced Night Vision Goggle–Binocular (ENVG-B) - L3Harris
Over 10,000 U.S. Army soldiers are now armed with L3Harris’ evolutionary and disruptive ENVG-B technologies. The goggle fuses night and thermal vision capabilities, allowing soldiers to more accurately target and neutralize adversaries at greater distances, day or night.
AN/PSQ-42 - Wikipedia
The AN/PSQ-42 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binocular (ENVG-B) is a third-generation passive binocular night vision device developed for the United States Army by L3Harris. It combines dual tube image-intensifying (I²) and thermal-imaging technologies into a single goggle, enabling vision in low-light conditions.
美陆军将装备新型高科技增强夜视镜 极大增强士兵杀伤力 - 知乎
“第三代增强夜视镜”(envg-iii) 技术创新与进步. 早起的“增强夜视镜”(envg)结合了微光和红外视觉技术,但第一代和第二代增强夜视镜在技术上并不成熟:一方面相当笨重;另一方面只是具备了夜视功能,没有十字瞄准等附加功能,因而未改善用户的瞄准。
AN/PSQ-20 - Wikipedia
The AN/PSQ-20 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) is a third-generation passive monocular night vision device developed for the United States Armed Forces by ITT Exelis. It fuses image-intensifying and thermal-imaging technologies, enabling vision in conditions with very little light.
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle–Binocular (ENVG-B) - L3Harris
The ENVG-B is a helmet-mounted, dual-waveband goggle with industry-leading, fused white phosphor and thermal technologies. Over 10,000 U.S. Army soldiers are now armed with L3Harris evolutionary and disruptive ENVG-B technologies.
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) AN/PSQ-20B - L3Harris
The L3Harris ENVG is a helmet-mounted monocular that provides the operator with significantly improved targeting and identification in all battlefield conditions and light levels. Also known by the military as AN/PSQ-20B, the ENVG uses image intensification technology fused with thermal imagery, thereby bridging the gap in performance and ...
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle – Binocular (ENVG-B)
The ENVG-B POR is a helmet-mounted individual night vision device that has an integrated long-wave infrared (LWIR) thermal sensor and white phosphor dual Image Intensification (I2) tubes. The...
美军新一代夜视仪ENVG (AN/PSQ-20)_附件工具_战甲军品资料网
2012年11月16日 · 据美国《军事》网站3月31日报导,经过严格审查,备受关注的美军新型单兵装备AN/PSQ-20 (ENVG)增强型夜视镜,现已小规模装备美国陆军。 据悉,这款夜视镜综合了最新的图像加亮和红外传感. 据美国《军事》网站3月31日报导,经过严格审查,备受关注的美军新型单兵装备AN/PSQ-20 (ENVG)增强型夜视镜,现已小规模装备美国陆军。 据悉,这款夜视镜综合了最新的图像加亮和红外传感技术,能使部队的夜间行动效率显著提高。 采购并将其配发给前线部 …
美军双筒夜视仪ENVG-B_Harris_士兵_护目镜 - 搜狐
2022年1月18日 · envg-b可以让佩戴者获得立体视觉,同时夜视仪的像增强管中使用白色荧光粉来代替绿色荧光粉,使得细节更为清晰,减轻视疲劳。 ENVG-B于 2019 年首次投入使用,采用双目设计,与旧的单目设计相比,它提供了更好的深度感知和更宽的视野。
美军下一代夜战利器——ENVG III/FWS-I整合式夜视瞄准方案
2016年10月6日 · ENVG III/FWS-I整合式夜视瞄准方案是 美军正在开发着一种增强前线士兵快速捕获目标(rapid target acquisition,简称RTA)能力的新系统。该RTA系统是由两个子系统组成:Enhanced Night Vision Goggle III(ENVG III),强化夜视眼罩III和Family of Weapon Sights-Individual(FWS-I),武器瞄具 ...