Eolian Processes - USGS Publications Warehouse
Wind-deposited sand bodies occur as sand sheets, ripples, and dunes. Sand sheets are flat, gently undulating sandy plots of sand surfaced by grains that may be too large for saltation. They form approximately 40 percent of eolian depositional surfaces.
HA 730-H Unconsolidated-deposit aquifers text - USGS …
Eolian deposits, or loess, consist chiefly of clay, silt, and fine sand. Although loess is well sorted, it does not form productive aquifers because it is fine grained, usually unsaturated, and commonly is only a veneer overlying other rocks.
Eolian sand bodies of the world | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
This chapter examines the eolian sand bodies of the world. Analyses regarding grain size and sorting distribution at Great Sand Dunes indicate that the higher dunes contain much more fine-grained sand and much less medium-grained sand than do the lower dunes, and, in addition, they are definitely better sorted.
HA 730-C Surficial aquifers text - USGS Publications Warehouse
Surficial aquifers that are present in many parts of Segment 2 generally contain the shallowest ground water in the Segment. These aquifers consist of Quaternary deposits of alluvial gravel, sand, silt, and clay or Quaternary deposits of eolian sand and silt.
The Sand Hills of Nebraska - Cintos
During prolonged arid intervals in latest Pleistocene and middle Holocene time, eolian dune sand blocked two large valley systems in western Nebraska. These blockages raised the water table of the High Plains aquifer as much as 25 m over an area of 7000 km2 and created over one thousand lakes.
ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas - Colorado Geological Survey
Deposits of sand, gravel, and silt associated with the South Platte River and its tributaries, combined with deposits of wind-blown sand, form an extensive aquifer system covering an area of over 4,000 square miles.
The Goliad Sand is the principal artesian aquifer, whereas water 30 contained in eolian and barrier island deposits is under water-table conditions (Shafer and Baker, 1973, p. 18).
Eolian sand transport pathways in the southwestern United States ...
2003年1月1日 · Recent studies have suggested that three distinct eolian sand transport pathways exist (or once existed) in the Mojave and Sonoran Desert regions of the southwestern United States.
Groundwater Resources | Colorado Water Knowledge | Colorado …
The state’s basin-wide aquifer systems include the Denver, Piceance, Paradox, San Juan, Eagle, Raton and Sand Wash Basin, and North, Middle, South and Huerfano Park (CGS, 2002). Location & extent of Colorado's major sedimentary rock aquifers & structural basins.
Eolian and colluvial deposits Eolian sand and sheetwash deposits (Holocene and late Pleistocene) Eolian sand and sheetwash deposits over terrace alluvium 30 of the Colorado River (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) Colluvial deposits Younger landslide deposits (latest Holocene) Colluvium (Holocene and late Pleistocene)