What’s in Your V/TO™? - EOS Worldwide
The V/TO is unique because it organizes both the Vision Component™ of your business and includes your plan to make that vision a reality. The simple approach involves answering The Eight Questions™ to get the entire leadership team thinking and working on the same page.
Free Tool: Vision/Traction Organizer® - EOS Worldwide
Strategic planning is often too complex, and an organization’s vision is seldom clear and concise. The Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO®) is a powerful tool that uses eight guiding questions to help you: Simplify the strategic planning process; Distill your vision into simple, understandable points
The meaning of VTO™ - EOS Worldwide
2023年8月9日 · VTO™ is an easy-to-use tool from Entrepreneurial Operating System® that allows you to look at every aspect of your company’s potential and helps everyone on your team play a role in the company’s success. Learn about VTO and every component of the Foundational Tool that can support your company vision. What is the VTO?
EOS Toolbox: The Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO) Tool
The Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO) is a powerful tool to help you simplify the strategic planning process, getting your vision out of your head and onto paper by answering eight questions to crystallize where your organization is going and how you will get there.
The V/TO® - EOS Ninety
Watch this video for an overview of our V/TO tool. By default, the Leadership Team's Core Values, Core Focus, and 10-Year Target are viewable by the rest of the organization. Owners and Admins can make the entire V/TO shareable. Click V/TO. Ensure you're viewing the Leadership Team on the Team dropdown. Toggle on Share V/TO® with All Teams toggle.
Vision/Traction Organizer - EOS One
The Vision/Traction Organizer gets your vision out of your head and in front of your people with universal access in EOS One ®. REVISIT HISTORY Track historical V/TOs over the years to compare where you’ve been to where you are now.
Vision/Traction Organizer™: The Complete Guide - Whale
All-in-one time-management tool: A V/TO outlines your 10-Year Target™ and where you must be in 3 years (and one year) to achieve it. Rocks and Issues then become projects, forming a fantastic time-management tool.
V/TO - Salesforce
2024年7月30日 · Download a V/TO® to PDF. Instructions on how to download a V/TO as a PDF, which can then be printed out.
Mastering the Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO®) in EOS®
2025年1月7日 · What is the Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO®)? At its core, the V/TO® is a strategic tool that connects your company’s vision with the day-to-day actions required to achieve it. Part of the EOS® framework, it answers eight essential questions about your business, ensuring that leadership teams stay aligned and focused on shared goals.
V/TO™ building Process in EOS® - Whale
The V/TO as our Strategic Planning Tool: The V/TO is not just a document; it’s a powerful tool for organizing and planning the future of our company. This two-page template will guide us in establishing a clear vision and creating a practical plan to achieve it.