Epeius - Wikipedia
There were two characters named Epeius (/ ɪˈpaɪ.əs /; Ancient Greek: Ἐπειός Epeiós) or Epeus in Greek mythology. Epeius, an Elean prince as son of King Endymion. He ran a race at …
厄帕俄斯 - 百度百科
厄帕俄斯(Epeius或Epeus,希腊文Ἐπειός): 希腊神话 中的英雄。 帕诺派俄斯(Panopeus)的儿子,有名的拳击手,参加了特洛伊战争,在女神 雅典娜 的帮助下制造了著名的“特洛伊木马”。
Epeius of Phocis - Wikipedia
Epeius (/ ɪ ˈ p aɪ. ə s /; Ancient Greek: Ἐπειός Epeiós) or Epeus was a mythological Greek soldier during the Trojan War or, in some accounts, one of the Achaean Leaders, at the head of a …
Epeus - Wikipedia
Epeus is a genus of the spider family Salticidae (jumping spiders). They are often found on broad-leaved plants or shrubs of rain forest, or in gardens of Southeast Asia. [2] The genus is similar …
EPEIUS (Epeios) - Elean King of Greek Mythology
EPEIOS (Epeius) was the eponymous king of the Epeians of Elis. He was a son of the hero Endymion who won the kingdom when he defeated his two brothers in a foot race for the throne.
艾普蛛属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
艾普蛛属 (学名: Epeus)为 跳蛛科 的一 属 动物。 此属的模式种为柔弱艾普蛛 (Evenus tener)。
Epeius | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia Mythica
A son of Panopeus, called the artist, who went with thirty ships from the Cyclades to Troy. 1 About the close of the Trojan war, he built the wooden horse under the protection and with the …
白斑艾普蛛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
白斑艾普蛛(学名: Epeus alboguttatus )为跳蛛科 艾普蛛属的动物。 分布于 缅甸 、 越南 以及 中国大陆 的 浙江 等地。 该物种的模式产地在缅甸。
白斑艾普蛛 - 百度百科
白斑艾普蛛(学名:Epeus alboguttatus)为跳蛛科艾普蛛属的动物。 分布于缅甸、越南以及中国大陆的浙江等地。 该物种的模式产地在缅甸。
Epeius | Greek mythology | Britannica
The horse was built by Epeius, a master carpenter and pugilist. The Greeks, pretending to desert the war, sailed to the nearby island of Tenedos, leaving behind Sinon, who persuaded the …