What Pots for Ugrade in Epiphone? - Harmony Central
2007年8月2日 · I want to upgrade the pots in my Epi LP. It has the small pots and I want to go full size quality pot. How are the guitar fetish ones? Do I need long shaft ones? Any suggestions? I'm also going to go with the orange caps too.
Epiphone ES 335 Pro Pot/wiring Upgrade - The Gear Page
2015年10月5日 · Does anyone know which brand of pots are in the latest Epiphone Dot Standards? The 335 Pro has a whole different electronics setup inside. But does it have the smaller holes for the pots? This video from RS Guitarworks shows how one guy does it. …
what length pot for epi sg?? - Gibson Brands Forums
2012年3月9日 · I just bought a epi sg s-400 and im changing out electronics in it. so far i have seymour duncan 59 for the neck and custom 5 for the bridge. i'm wanting to change the pots out and use a push pull pot and split the coils to get more options. I'm not sure what length pot I need also if any one has...
Wiring harnesses for Epiphone Les Pauls? - The Gear Page
2024年5月9日 · My ears have heard improvements with each of the four Epi's where I've installed new harnesses. The most significant difference was in the last one, the Slash Victoria where I used the Bare Knuckle spec CTS pots that, when I tested them as I was installing them, were all within 5% (9% is the guarantee).
EPI LP Standard Plus Pro Pot Shaft Size - Gibson Brands Forums
2019年8月14日 · Just purchased an Epi LP Standard PlusPRO in Blood Orange. Quite impressed with the quality of this guitar. Love it. I contacted Epiphone 3 times over the last 3 weeks since I bought it with this question and have yet to get a response. I put chrome dome knobs on all of my guitars - I just like them better.
Pickup Upgrade for Epiphone Les Paul Standard
2019年6月13日 · So I got a Epiphone Les Paul Standard in Pelham Blue about 6 months ago, and I'm ready to upgrade the pickups. I was almost sold on a BKP mule neck and riff raff bridge, but I decided putting $400+ (pickups, pots, and shipping) in pickups into …
Push/Pull Pot on an Epi Dot - Gibson Brands Forums
2010年1月11日 · I was just looking at the electronics page at the GFS site, and was wondering if a push/pull pot would fit inside the body of a Dot. Have any of you guys tried this?
Epi upgrade - My Les Paul Forum
2021年6月27日 · If you order a cap and pot upgrade from RS guitarworks, can you special order for Epiphone sized pots?
Real 39 Epi Electar pot values. - The Steel Guitar Forum
2005年4月11日 · Any one help me out with the pot values for a vintage 39 Epi Electar? Am rescuing one and the pots are both frozen. MikeC
Quick question - My Les Paul Forum
2012年10月10日 · the US made pots have a 3/8" (~9.5mm) thread while the metric epi pot is 8mm. you can use the short or long shaft. If you use the long shaft, then you need to use an extra nut to adjust the height. caps are usually .22 depending on your taste