Premature Babies Grow Strong with Epic
2019年5月5日 · At University of Utah Health, babies receive the nutrition they need with improved feeding workflows using Epic. In the 3 months post-implementation, 100% of premature babies—up from fewer than 40% before implementation—regained or exceeded their birth weight by two weeks old.
Go to order tab in Epic and under Order Sets type NICU Admission Orders. Go through the orders and select appropriate orders for your patient. Start by clicking the admission tab. Then Click Problem List - H&P. Enter appropriate problems for your patient and enter and Assessment and Plan under "Current Assessment & Plan Note".
The Impact of Implementation of a Clinically Integrated Problem …
2018年6月20日 · Employing a multidisciplinary collaborative approach, we created an integrated clinical platform that captures data entry from the obstetrical suite, delivery room, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nursing and respiratory therapy staff.
For IV fluid orders: use the pseudonym “NICUIV” – this will give you an abbreviated list of IV solutions built for NICU patients (Under the Facility List tab). Use the pseudonym “NICU MOR” for morphine options (both PO and IV) that are specific to NICU patients.
2020年2月10日 · Charted in epic Summary → Apnea/Bradycardia tab Flowsheets → PICU/NICU VS → Apnea and Bradycardia
Epic Smartphrases for the NICU - The Children's Hospital at …
useful nicu smartphrases .nicusafesleep .nicusafesleepdischarge .nicubloodtransfusion2 .nicudsichargecommunication
The University of Iowa - UI Health Care Epic Education
Stork is Epic's obstetric system that organizes obstetric care and has specific functionality necessary for the workflow documentation of labor and delivery. Stork organizes the course of patient care from beginning to end. The following resources provide …
Use the Phototherapy and Transfusion guideline graphs to determine whether interventions are necessary based on the patient's nomograms. Growth Chart activity. In this activity, you can see how the patient's height, weight, and BMI have changed over time, as well as show those trends to the parents. 2.
Chapter 02 NICU EPIC Survival Kit – NICU Guidelines – …
Chapter 02 NICU EPIC Survival Kit. Download Chapter 2 -NICU EPIC Survival Kit_FINAL 2.0. Chapter 2 NICU EPIC Survival Kit. Site footer content. Website feedback, questions or accessibility issues: [email protected]. Learn more about accessibility at UW ...
NICU ESC Epic Documentation - UNC Collaborative for Maternal …
UNC Collaborative for Maternal and Infant Health aims to improve the health and well-being of women and families across North Carolina through community partnerships, research and …