The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) will require the teaching of relevant planning, organisational, project management, study and presentation skills and a piece of independent work undertaken by the student. This work will be guided and overseen by the student’s Supervisor, monitored by the Centre Coordinator and
Projects | Level Three | Level 3 Extended Project Qualification - AQA
2019年1月7日 · What is the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) EPQ is an A-level standard standalone qualification designed to extend and develop your students' abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare for university or their future career. it can be taken as an extension of other Level 3 qualifications or vocational qualifications
三大考试局的EPQ怎么选,看这篇就够了! - 知乎专栏
EPQ(Extended Project Qualification) 和 IPQ(Independent Project Qualification) 项目都是国际课程中的独立研究项目,旨在培养学生的研究、批判性思维和学术写作能力。 两者的主要区别在于提供机构: EPQ主要由爱德思考试局和牛津AQA提供,而IPQ则是由CIE考试局开设。 在内容和形式上,两者都要求学生选择一个课题进行研究,完成一篇论文或研究报告,并进行展示或答辩。 然而,由于所属考试局不同,具体的评价标准和要求可能会有所差异。 CIE考试局IPQ. 剑桥 …
The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an A-level standard standalone qualification designed to extend and develop your abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare you for further study in Higher Education or for your next career step.
EPQ项目内容/时间线/流程详解 附epq项目辅导 - 国际教育联盟
2025年2月8日 · 在UCAS系统中,EPQ最高兑换28分,相当于半门A Level成绩,对成绩偏科的学生非常友好。 EPQ项目内容包括哪些? 备考EPQ项目的时间线以及流程是怎样的?
AQA | Projects | Project qualifications | Level 3 Extended Project ...
Our Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is popular with students and teachers alike. It provides an opportunity for students to extend their abilities beyond their sixth form course of study, stand out and prepare for university or their future career.
The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is an increasingly popular additional qualification equivalent to half an A-Level (28 UCAS points). The course requires students to conduct their own independent research project
EPQ申请全解读!流程和常见问题汇总! – 领尔思Linkwills
2024年9月19日 · EPQ项目介绍. EPQ是A-level中唯一一门不需要考试的课程。EPQ认证等同于半个A-Level课程成绩。它相当于A-level的50%,成绩由A*到E依次递减。 EPQ不设专业限制,强调以学生的兴趣为专业起点,通过导师指导进行深度研究、独立完成项目。
extended-project-qualification - AQA
An Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) provides an opportunity for learners to extend their abilities beyond their sixth form course of study, stand out and prepare for university or their future career.
EPQ delivery model guidance When launching the EPQ and deciding on the right delivery model for you and your students, there are some key points to consider. The taught skills programme takes up 30 of the 120 guided learning hours (GLH). All students should undertake the taught skills programme and some could require specialist teaching,