G3000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) - Canon …
2022年6月28日 · This is an online installation software to help you to perform initial setup of your product on a PC (either USB connection or network connection) and to install various software. 1. Download the file. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings. 2. Double-click the downloaded .exe file.
G3000 printer driver Installation Guide for Windows (Via Wi-Fi Network) (Win 10 as example) 先將印表機連接到路由器,詳細可參考以下步驟 Follow below steps to connect printer to the router
G3000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows)
2022年6月29日 · This file will download and install the drivers, application or manual you need to set up the full functionality of your product.
Canon PIXMA G3000 原廠大供墨複合機【開箱分享】 - Mobile01
2016年8月18日 · 三合一功能:影印/列印/掃描. 超高印量墨水黑白6,000頁,彩色7,000頁. 隨機加送2瓶黑色墨水,總列印量可達18,000張. 獨家「複合式墨水」系統,文件、相片精彩呈現. 可靠耐用的供墨式列印元件,並支援滿版列印. 一體化外型設計,墨水剩餘狀態一目了然. 添加墨水輕鬆容易,簡單好操作. 安裝設定快速省時,導墨速度快. 內建無線網路,一台多人分享. Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY智慧手機應用程式可直接相片列印、掃描及雲端列印. PIXMA Cloud Link雲端 …
PIXMA G3000 - Canon India
Built-in wireless LAN connectivity allows users to print wirelessly from PCs, laptops, mobile phones and tablet computers. The G3000 can behave as an access point in the absence of a wireless router, allowing a direct connection to be established to mobile phones and tablet PCs.
Support - PIXMA G3000 - Canon India
PIXMA G3000. View other models from the same series Software Development Kit Application
Canon Pixma G3000 Multi Function Wireless Printer vs Epson
Compare Canon Pixma G3000 Multi Function Wireless Printer Vs Epson EcoTank L3252 All-in-One Ink Tank Printer based on latest prices, features, user reviews, performance, more. Get best price at Giznext.com.
G3000 MP Drivers Ver.1.03 (Windows) - Canon Thailand
In Windows Update, update the OS and Internet Explorer to the latest version. 1.If the OS is upgraded with the scanner driver remained installed, scanning by pressing the SCAN button on the Printer may not be performed After the upgrade. in such cases, re-install the scanner driver.
G3000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) - Canon …
For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings. 2. Double-click the downloaded .exe file. It will be decompressed and the Setup screen will be displayed. Follow the instructions to install the software and perform the necessary settings.
Canon : PIXMA Manuals - G3000 series - キヤノン
Copying Copy photos and documents using a range of functions. Use from a smartphone as well. Scanning Scan photos and documents and save them to a computer or upload them to web services.