This document is written to assist colleagues in establishing and managing external quality assessment (EQA) schemes at an early stage. The document deals with frequently performed clinical chemistry analyses. However, many of the aspects described also apply to EQA in other branches of laboratory medicine.
GitHub - facebookresearch/open-eqa: OpenEQA Embodied …
We present a modern formulation of Embodied Question Answering (EQA) as the task of understanding an environment well enough to answer questions about it in natural language. An agent can achieve such an understanding by either drawing upon episodic memory, exemplified by agents on smart glasses, or by actively exploring the environment, as in ...
Behind the scenes of EQA - characteristics, capabilities ... - PubMed
2025年1月5日 · External quality assessment (EQA) enhances patient safety through the evaluation of the quality of laboratory-based and point of care testing. Regulatory agencies and accreditation organizations utilize the results and the laboratory's response to them as part of assessing the laboratory's fitness t …
develop guidelines for EQA in molecular pathology. In a first meeting during the European Congress of Pathology in Hel-sinki in September 2011, an outline of a guideline document was defined. A draft text was circulated, and the document was discussed during a meeting hosted by the Italian Associ-ation of Medical Oncology in Naples in 2012. The ...
The management of external quality assurance - PMC
Donabedian’s definition by implication outlines the cyclical nature of quality improvement. This paper aims to describe the cycles of EQA as they affect patient results and care and to outline possible pathways to greater public accountability from the perspective of clinical biochemistry.
ERIC - ED499628 - External Quality Assurance in Higher Education ...
The authors begin by presenting the international trends that drive countries to adopt an EQA system. They then go on to discuss the overall purposes of an EQA system and how they relate to basic organizational and methodological approaches.
Quality assurance - external (EQA) - Ann Gravells
What is external quality assurance (EQA)? External quality assurance (EQA) seeks to ensure that assessment and internal quality assurance activities (IQA) have been conducted in a consistent, safe and fair manner. The process must take place on behalf of an awarding organisation (AO) for each approved centre which offers their qualifications ...
Embodied Question Answering - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在这个工作中,作者提出了一个崭新的问答任务Embodied Question Answering(下面称EQA),该任务是融合多模态信息,通过向agent提出文本问题,需要其在虚拟的空间环境中进行路径规划和探索,以到达目标位置并进行答案的反馈。 在当前的EQA任务中,答案仍然是处于一个封闭集合中,即agent可以做出的回答是在一个封闭的答案集中进行选择,可以看作是一个分类任务,根据文本问题和环境探索后得到的信息整合,分类得到一个最为契合的答案进行输入。
(PDF) Behind the scenes of EQA-characteristics ... - ResearchGate
2025年1月6日 · EQA schemes in the medical field contribute to improving the quality of patient care by evaluating the analytical and diagnostic quality of laboratory and point-of-care tests (POCT) by...
四川省临床检验中心 - 质量控制 - 室间质量评价
室间质量评价(EQA, external quality assessment),是多家实验室分析同一标本、并由外部独立机构收集和反馈实验室上报的结果、以此评价实验室操作的过程。 通过实验室间的比对判定实验室的校准、检测能力以及监控其 持续 能力。 2. 作用. 室间质量评价或简称室间质评(EQA)是利用实验室间的比对来确定实验室能力的活动,实际上它是指为确保实验室维持较高的检测水平而对其能力进行考核、监督和确认的一种验证活动。 参加 EQA计划,可为评价实验室所出具的数 …