国际教育标准分类法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
国际教育标准分类法 (英語: International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED)是一个用于组织 教育 信息的统计框架,由 联合国教育、科学及文化组织 (UNESCO)维护。 它是联合国国际经济和社会分类大家庭的成员。 [1] 《国际教育标准分类法》是在1970年代初设计的,目的是作为一种工具,适用于汇编、汇编和呈现个别国家和国际教育统计数据 [2]。 第一个版本被称为ISCED 1976,得到了国际教育会议(日内瓦,1975年)的批准,随后在1976年被联合国教 …
International Standard Classification of Education - Wikipedia
The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) is a statistical framework for organizing information on education maintained by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
secondary education (ISCED levels 2 and 3 – EQF levels 2 to 4)
Educational activities building on primary education and preparing for labour market entry, postsecondary non-tertiary education or tertiary education. secondary education aims at learning at an intermediate level of complexity. Based on UNESCO, 2011. European qualifications framework for lifelong learning (EQF)
ISCED mappings ensure a transparent process of coding national education programmes and related qualifications into comparable categories for use in international statistics by linking the classification criteria to the properties of the education programmes and their related
Description of the eight EQF levels | Europass
Each of the 8 levels of the EQF is defined by a set of descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at that level in any qualifications system. Knowledge: in the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)
ISCED is the reference international classification for organising education programmes and related qualifications by levels and fields. ISCED 2011 (levels of education) has been implemented in all EU data collections since 2014. ISCED-F 2013 (fields of education and training) has been implemented since 2016. Background
ISCED Levels - IQA International Qualifications Authority
2018年4月16日 · Programmes designed to provide advanced academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies leading to a second tertiary degree or equivalent qualification.
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) | Europass
The EU developed the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) as a translation tool to make national qualifications easier to understand and more comparable. The EQF seeks to support cross-border mobility of learners and workers, promote lifelong learning and professional development across Europe.
国际教育标准分类法 - 百度百科
“国际教育标准分类” (International Standard Classification of Education,ISCED)是 联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)于1976年根据1958年第十届大会通过的关于国际教育统计标准的建议而制定的。 它的主要目的是为使各会员国在国内和国际间收集、整理和提供教育统计资料时有一个国际通用的适当工具,便于在国际间编制和比较各种教育资料。 这个标准分类和国际劳工局制定的“国际职业分类法”相似。 但“国际教育标准分类”侧重于教育方面,“国际职业分类法”则侧重于人力使用方面 …
lower secondary education (ISCED level 2 – EQF level 3)
lower secondary education (ISCED level 2 – EQF level 3) Programmes designed to build upon the learning outcomes from primary education (ISCED level 1 – EQF levels 1 and 2). Usually, the educational aim is to lay the education foundation for lifelong learning and human development on which education systems may systematically expand further ...