Equal Highs (EQHs) Explained - Flux Charts
An Equal High (EQH) is a trading concept used by price action traders (also known as SMC or ICT traders). An EQH is a bearish indication used to confirm a trend reversal or area of consolidation in the market. An Equal High is found by identifying a swing high, which price later retests and rejects.
订单流交易系统-ICT名词术语整理 | Tangly的学习笔记
这种流动性一般会发生在 PDH(前一天高点)、PWH(前一周高点)、EH(Equal High、即同等高点)或 HTF(High Tight Flag、指的是一种K线的形态)。 因此,这些高点也被视为阻力位,承受着比较大的抛售压力。 Displacement — 价格位移就是强劲的价格走势,出现强大的买方或者卖方压力。 一般来说,价格位移会以单个或一组K线(蜡烛图)的形式出现,这些蜡烛都向同一方向运动(都是阴线或者阳线)。 这些K线通常有很长的实体和很短的上下影线,表明买家和卖家 …
Trading manual ICT - ABBREVIATIONS: HH (Higher High) HL
LIQUIDITY: EQUAL HIGHS (EQH) and EQUAL LOWS (EQL) Liquidity means Money We have been taught to look for Double Tops and go short there, and Double Bottoms and go long there. What happens is there are a ton of orders sitting below DB and above DT and that is Liquidity that Market Makers look for. Liquidity above the EQH (Equal Highs)
- 评论数: 197
ICT交易法—— 融合进威科夫进场体系 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ict交易法是一个基于裸k交易方法,主要基于流动性一个体系;本来交易进场基于顺势的支撑位置/阻力位置,结合流动性不平衡区域。 ICT方法里面的流动性不平衡区域概念 威科夫原来进场位置 结合威科夫体系,形成客观…
本篇笔记旨在记录常见的缩写、全称和其所代表的含义。 ICT: Inner Circle Trader (内部圈子交易员) FVG:Fair Value Gap (合理/公平/公允价值缺口,也被称为缺口,是失衡区的一种, 详情参见我的教学视频) 1. Accumulation : Positions Build Up 积累(吸筹):仓位积累. 2. Manipulation: Engineer Liquidity 操縱:獵取流動性. 3. Distribution (Expansion ): Positions Exit 延伸:持倉退出. SL: Stop Loss (止损点) TP: Take Profit (止盈点)
【SMC基礎教學】ICT交易策略:什麼是聰明錢?流動性、訂單塊 …
2024年4月26日 · SMC(Smart Money Concept)聰明錢策略,或是ICT交易法,主要聚焦於追蹤和分析市場中大型機構和經驗豐富的投資者的行為。 這種策略認為這些市場參與者的行動可以預示或驅動市場趨勢,因此,跟隨他們的交易可以提高成功率。
Explanation Of The Inner Circle Trader (ICT) Terminology
EQH: Equal Highs . Equal Highs is where the price of an asset reaches the same level of resistance or peaks at the same level multiple times. It can be used as a technical signal to anticipate potential market movements.
SMC概念常见缩写_eqh eql-CSDN博客
2024年3月26日 · EQH/EQL. Equal high / Equal low. 4H/1H/15m. 4 hours / 1 hour / 15 minutes. EX$ External Liquidity. IN$ Internal Liquidity. LI$ Liquidity Inducement. HH, LL. Higher high, Lower Low. HL, LH. Higher low, Lower high. S2B. Sell to buy. B2S. Buy to sell
ICT Inner Circle Trader Glossary - Prosperity Hunt
ICT (Inner Circle Trader): Refers to the trader Michael J. Huddleston and his methodology. He goes by the pseudonym ICT or Inner Circle Trader. ICT’s approach to trading focuses on the use of technical analysis, specifically emphasizing market …
ICT Mentorship 2024 课程1 精华总结 EQH EQL - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1,在7AM到7:30,或从8:00am到8:30am或从9:00am到9:30am 在市场开盘前这段时间来观察市场走向,并从15分钟,5分钟,1分钟图种寻找相对等高(EQH),或者相对等低(EQL)。 **记住是纽约本地时间** **刚开始的阶段,只关注15分钟,5分钟,1分钟图**