High resolution XPS spectra of Er-4d peak for the as
For the optical inactive as- grown sample, the Er-4d XPS spectra show peaks at the binding energy (BE) of ~169 eV, regardless of the spectra taken on the surface or in the bulk. The BE of 169 eV...
XPS spectra of (a) Er 4d , (b) Zn 2p3/2 , and (c) O 1s of various ...
The XPS data are consistent with the results obtained from the XRD analysis and TEM characterizations, revealing that Er atoms is incorporated into wurtzite ZnO lattice rather than formed cubic...
铒 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
XPS 光谱解读. 结合能在 50 eV-700 eV 之间的 Er MNN 俄歇峰与其他元素的许多 XPS 区域重叠。 Er4d 区域显示复杂、多重的分裂峰。 不直接进行峰拟合。 例如,铒金属在 Er4d 区域至少有6个峰。 基本信息说明. 铒在通讯行业中常用作光纤放大器的掺杂剂。 关于本元素 ...
Visible light activity of rare earth metal doped (Er3+, Yb3+ or Er3 ...
2015年2月1日 · Surface properties of Yb 3+, Er 3+ or Yb 3+ /Er 3+ TiO 2 were characterized using BET method, XRD, XPS, UV–vis and luminescence spectroscopy. The photocatalytic properties were investigated by employing the photodegradation of phenol and acetic acid in aqueous phase as a model pollutant.
Enhancement of upconversion luminescence in Yb3+/Er3+-doped …
2023年12月1日 · In this study, the high-resolution XPS spectra of Bi4f, V2p, O1s, Yb4d, and Er4d are collected and analyzed to investigate the chemical states in both, as-synthesized and calcined BiVO 4 samples. The Bi4f spectra with the characteristic spin-orbit splitting peaks of the as-synthesized BiVO 4 sample ( Fig. 6 b) are deconvoluted to the ...
| XPS high resolution spectrum on Er4d for 5 and 10% Er-doped …
The main peaks on the spectrum were identified Zr (Zr3p, Zr3d), O (O1s), Ce (Ce3d), and Er (Er4d). Some impurities were also found in both XPS and EDS analyses, ascribable to synthesis residues...
Er薄膜的XPS和PL研究 - 豆丁网
2016年6月8日 · A1N:Er薄膜,XPS组分分析表明,通过控制Er箸 靶与Al靶的位置和面积比可以较好地控制Er的粪 含量.PL光谱测试结果表明,Er的发光中心位柔 于550 nm附近,可作为全色显示中绿光的来源; O。
Ultraviolet photoelectron spectra of Er2@C82 (I), Er2@C82 (III), …
2012年3月13日 · X-ray photoelectron spectrum (XPS) of Er4d level of Er 2 @C 82 (I) was measured by a SIENTA SES-100 electron analyzer using MgKα (hv = 1253.6 eV) radiation generated from a Thermo Electron XR3 X-ray gun.
Structure, optical properties and thermal stability of HfErO …
2015年1月23日 · In order to confirm the chemical composition of the HfErO films with different VHF power, Er4d XPS is shown in Fig. 2. No Er4d peak can be observed at the VHF power of 0 W, which indicates that there is on Er element in the films. When the VHF power increases to 150 W, a broad peak of Er4d feature appears, which suggests that Er is incorporated ...
XPS spectra of (A) C1s, (B) O1s, (C) Y3d, (D) Yb4d/Er4d, and (E ...
The deconvoluted core-level high-resolution XPS (HR-XPS) spectra of pristine YMn 2 O 5 nanowires in the Y3d region show two well-resolved peaks at 156.9 and 158.9 eV assigned to Y3d 5/2 and Y3d...