Erdenet - Wikipedia
Erdenet (/ ˈɜːrdɪnɛt /; Mongolian: Эрдэнэт [ért (ɘ)nɘtʰ], 'precious, valuable') is the second-largest city in Mongolia and the provincial capital of Orkhon. Located in the northern Mongolia, it lies …
Home Page | Erdenet Mining Corporation
In 2023, the Erdenet Mining Corporation processed 37.2 million tons of ore, establishing a historic benchmark in our production records. In 2023, EMC contributed a significant 2.0 trillion MNT to …
Erdenet Mining Corporation - Wikipedia
Erdenet Mining Corporation (Mongolian: Эрдэнэт үйлдвэр English: Precious factory) is a mining corporation in Erdenet, Mongolia. The city was built in 1978 to exploit Asia's largest deposit of …
mn домэйн нэрийн албан ёсны бүртгэгч Датаком ХХК-тай 2012 оны 8 дугаар сард итгэмжит ресэллерийн гэрээ байгуулан эцсийн хэрэглэгчдэд .mn домэйныг олгож байсан ч, …
Erdenet | Mining Town, Copper Mine, Mongolian City | Britannica
Erdenet is a major industrial centre that was organized in 1973 and built in the mid-1970s as a joint Soviet-Mongolian venture. Founded mainly to exploit the area’s huge deposits of copper …
History - Erdenet Mining Corporation
EMC Overview Erdenet Mining Corporation SOE stands as the largest copper and molybdenum ore mining and beneficiation complex in Asia. Annually, it extracts 39.6 million tons of ore, …
额尔登特矿业公司 - 蒙古国百科网
2024年9月25日 · 额尔登特矿业公司(Erdenet Mining Corporation)是蒙古国最大的矿业公司之一,成立于1978年,主要从事铜和钼的开采与加工。公司总部位于蒙古国北部城市额尔登特, …
2023年7月11日 · 主矿带位于岩体西侧,即Erdenet矿床,是一条由2~5mm的细脉组成的近垂直的网状脉带。 长约2400m,宽300~1300m,中心部位垂向延深达1000m,而靠近斑岩边部延深 …
额尔登特 - 百度百科
Mining | Erdenet Mining Corporation
Ore body of the copper-molybdenum deposit in the “Erdenetiin-Ovoo” stretches to the west from the east, 25 km in the length and 1.5-3 km in the width and consists of 4 main parts. The …
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