Eric Jiang, PhD - University of San Diego
Eric Jiang, PhD, is a professor of Computer Science at USD's Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering. His research has been in information retrieval, data analytics, machine learning, parallel and distributed computing. He has published a book "Nonlinear Numerical Analysis and Optimization" and research papers in journals and edited books.
About Me - Eric
I am Haozhe Jiang, a senior student from Yao Class, Tsinghua University and I am about to join UCB EECS as a PhD student. I have a broad interest in Machine Learning. I am also enthusiastic about Physics. My research mainly focuses on building efficient decision-making agents, including reinforcement learning, multi-agent system etc.
Eric Jiang - Google Scholar
Eric Jiang. PhD Student, EECS, UCBerkeley. Verified email at berkeley.edu - Homepage. Artificial Intelligence. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year; Offline reinforcement …
Eric Jiang
My name is Eric Jiang (姜汉晨), and I am currently a senior undergraduate at UCLA, pursuing double degrees in Math of Computation and Statistics. I am an incoming Stats PhD student (25 Fall) at UCLA, supervised by Prof. Kai-Wei Chang and Prof. Yingnian Wu. I am passionate about reinforcement learning and LLM.
Eric Jiang at University of San Diego | Rate My Professors
Eric Jiang is a professor in the Computer Science department at University of San Diego - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Eric (Hanchen) Jiang - Google Scholar
Eric (Hanchen) Jiang. University of California, Los Angeles. Verified email at g.ucla.edu - Homepage. Reinforcement Learning Statistics. Articles ... Cited by. Year; Field testing of all aboard, an AI app for helping blind individuals to find bus stops. EH Jiang, Z Ma, A Singh, A Bobba, SM Park, S Pundlik, G Luo. Investigative Ophthalmology ...
被OpenAI投资是种怎样的体验?独家对话1X机器人Eric Jang - 知乎
Eric:我毕业于布朗大学,之前在 Google X 工作了6年,担任机器人高级研究科学家,2022年4月加入了 1X,负责 AI 部门。 我在美国出生,父母是广东人,Jang 是粤语的 “张”,只会一点点中文(笑)。
Eric Jiang - Home
G'day I'm Eric & I'm a Software Engineer at Google. Technology has been rapidly growing and is at the forefront of bringing change. I've always wanted to build awesome & secure products which delight users and impact their lives. I currently build delightful & beautiful tools to make Pixel devices more secure!
Eric Jiang
Eric Jiang. Web log: notes.ericjiang.com Github: github.com/erjiang Mastodon: @[email protected] Photographs: instagr.am/photos.ericjinstagr.am/photos.ericj
Ming (Eric) Jiang - Google Scholar
Ming (Eric) Jiang. University of Oxford. Verified email at eng.ox.ac.uk - Homepage. nuclear graphite. Articles Cited by Public access. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. ... M Jiang, A El-Turke, G Lolov, K Ammigan, P Hurh, D Liu. Journal of Nuclear Materials 550, 152876, 2021. 22: