Eris (mythology) - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Eris (Ancient Greek: Ἔρις, romanized: Eris, lit. 'Strife') is the goddess and personification of strife and discord, particularly in war, and in the Iliad (where she is the "sister" of Ares the god of war).
厄里斯(希腊文:Ἔρις;英文:Eris,意为“不和”),女,希腊神话中专司不和的女神,她在 罗马神话 中被称为Discordia。 荷马 和 赫西俄德 对她有不同的描写:在《伊利亚特》中她是战神 阿瑞斯 的姊妹、 宙斯 和 赫拉 的女儿(厄倪俄 有时会与厄里斯混同),在敌对双方间散布着痛苦和仇恨;在《神谱》和《工作与时日》中她则是 倪克斯 和 厄瑞玻斯 的女儿。 她最著名的故事是“ 金苹果之争 ”。 在 希腊神话 中,厄里斯是纠纷与不和女神(女祸神)。
Troublemaker Eris: Greek Deity That Ignited Hatred Among All
2024年4月11日 · While they were feasting so cheerfully and in harmony, an undesirable guest suddenly appeared: Eris, the goddess of all possible problems one can get. Knowing her troublesome nature, Zeus did not order to send an invitation to …
阋神星 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鬩神星[14] (小行星序號: 136199 Eris, 符號: [15])是現已知 太陽系 中第二大的 矮行星,在所有直接圍繞 太陽 運行的天體中質量排名第九。 它估測直徑約為 2326 ± 12 公里 [16],比 冥王星 重約27%(但冥王星的體積更大一些 [17]), 質量 約為 地球 質量的0.27%。
爱丽丝 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Eris(エリス),来源希腊神话的不和女神,其正式译名为 厄里斯,但原作为日语的情况下有可能也被翻译成爱丽丝。 Elis(エリス),词源说法不一,但原作为日语的情况也有可能是エリス的不同罗马字表记形式。
Eris – Mythopedia
2023年9月7日 · Eris was the vicious personification of strife, a goddess who delighted in conflict, rivalry, and bloodshed. She was commonly regarded as a daughter of Nyx, “Night” personified, and was a devoted crony (or even sister) of the war god Ares.
Eris (mythology) - Wikiwand
In Greek mythology, Eris is the goddess and personification of strife and discord, particularly in war, and in the Iliad. According to Hesiod she was the daught...
Eris in Greek Mythology - World History Edu
2024年12月1日 · Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord, plays a multifaceted role in mythology as a symbol of chaos and a catalyst for conflict. Her origins, described in Theogony by Hesiod, link her to Nyx (Night), from whom she is born without a partner.
厄里斯(Eris),美国DC漫画中的超级反派(DC反派),初次登场于《Epoxy》第1期(1968年4月),由Brian Azzarello和Cliff Chiang联合创造。 厄里斯是希腊神话中的纷争女神,用金苹果引发了特洛伊战争。 她在DC漫画中是神奇女侠的对手,新52后则变为一个看似中立的神明。
Eris - Greek Mythology Notes
2023年8月4日 · Eris is a goddess in Greek mythology, recognized as the personification of strife and discord. She is the daughter of Nyx (Night) and the sister of Ares, the god of war. She was often depicted as a female figure whose presence led to conflict, rivalry, and general upheaval.