厄立特里亚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
厄立特里亚国 (英語: State of Eritrea, 提格雷尼亚语: ሃገረ ኤርትራ,阿拉伯语: دولة إرتريا ), 通稱 厄利垂亞,是位於 非洲 東北部的国家,濒临 红海,面积11.7万平方公里,人口約620萬 …
Eritrea - Wikipedia
Eritrea (/ ˌɛrɪˈtriːə / ⓘ ERR-ih-TREE-ə or /- ˈtreɪ -/ -TRAY-;, [20][21][22]pronounced [ʔer (ɨ)trä] ⓘ), officially the State of Eritrea, is a country in the Horn of Africa region of East Africa, with its …
Eritreans - Wikipedia
Eritreans are the native inhabitants of Eritrea, as well as the global diaspora of Eritrea. Eritreans constitute several component ethnic groups, some of which are related to ethnic groups that …
厄立特里亚 - 百度百科
厄立特里亚国(The State of Eritrea),简称厄立特里亚,位于非洲东北部,西邻 苏丹共和国,南邻 埃塞俄比亚 、 吉布提,东隔 红海 与 沙特阿拉伯 和 也门 相望,扼红海进出 印度洋 的门 …
厄利垂亞 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
厄利垂亞國 (英語: State of Eritrea, 提格利尼亞語: ሃገረ ኤርትራ,阿拉伯語: دولة إرتريا ), 通稱 厄利垂亞,是位於 非洲 東北部的國家,瀕臨 紅海,面積11.7萬平方公里,人口約620萬 …
Eritrea | History, Flag, Capital, Population, Map, & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月5日 · Eritrea, country of the Horn of Africa, located on the Red Sea. Eritrea’s coastal location has long been important in its history and culture—a fact reflected in its name, which …
History of Eritrea | Events, People, Dates, Map, & Facts | Britannica
history of Eritrea, survey of the notable events and people in the history of Eritrea from prehistory to the present. Located on the Red Sea in the Horn of Africa, Eritrea has long been an …
Eritreans - Encyclopedia.com
Modern Eritrea was born in the crucible of a large-scale, devastating, 30-year civil war during which more ammunition was exploded than in all of the North African campaigns of World War …
Eritreans - Wikiwand
Eritreans are the native inhabitants of Eritrea, as well as the global diaspora of Eritrea. Eritreans constitute several component ethnic groups, some of which are related to ethnic groups that …
Tigray cannot be the battleground for Ethiopia and Eritrea
4 天之前 · The Eritrean state and the party know the significance of Tigray and are in a dilemma. Consolidating their national project cannot be achieved without annihilating their Tigrigna …