ERK1 (MAPK3) Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_002746)
A ready-to-use mix for SYBR Green qPCR, containing ROX reference and suitable for all qPCR instruments without adjusting the concentration of ROX. 1 vial of lyophilized qSTAR qPCR primer mix (1 nmol each primer, sufficient for 200 reactions). Before use, reconstitute the primer mix in 200 µl dH2O to make a final concentration of 10 µM.
ERK1 and ERK2 Map Kinases: Specific Roles or Functional Redundancy?
In this review we compiled data on ERK1 vs. ERK2 gene structures, protein sequences, expression levels, structural and molecular mechanisms of activation and substrate recognition.
Dynamic lineage priming is driven via direct enhancer regulation by ERK
2019年11月6日 · Fibroblast growth factor-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (FGF -ERK) signalling drives differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (ES cells) and pre-implantation embryos...
ERK1/2 MAP kinases: structure, function, and regulation
ERK1/2 are proline-directed kinases that preferentially catalyze the phosphorylation of substrates containing a Pro-Xxx-Ser/Thr-Pro sequence. Besides this primary structure requirement, many ERK1/2 substrates possess a D-docking site, an F-docking site, or both.
Human ERK2 qPCR Primer Pair, HP100125 | Sino Biological
Verified forward and reverse primers for analyzing the quantitative expression of gene. SYBR® Green-based quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The primer mix has been verified to generate satisfactory qPCR data on Roche Applied-science LightCycler® 480 Ⅱ. The lyophilized product is stable for one year from date of receipt when stored at -20℃.
Primer Sequences of Raf, MEK, ERK, and GAPDH for RT-qPCR.
A recent clinical study showed that RAF, MEK, pMEK, ERK, and pERK mRNA and protein expressions are higher in the axillary lymph node metastasis (ALNM) group compared to the non-ALNM group and ...
Mouse ERK1/MAPK3 qPCR Primer Pair - Sino Biological
Verified forward and reverse primers for analyzing the quantitative expression of gene. SYBR® Green-based quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The primer mix has been verified to generate satisfactory qPCR data on Roche Applied-science LightCycler® 480 Ⅱ. The lyophilized product is stable for one year from date of receipt when stored at -20℃.
A compendium of ERK targets - PubMed
The RAF-MEK-ERK cascade is one of the most studied signaling pathways as it controls many vital cellular programs. There has been an immense amount of effort to determine ERK target proteins involved in regulating these programs. Classical biochemical and genetic approaches have elicited hundreds of …
ERK2 (MAPK1) Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_002745) - OriGene
A ready-to-use mix for SYBR Green qPCR, containing ROX reference and suitable for all qPCR instruments without adjusting the concentration of ROX. 1 vial of lyophilized qSTAR qPCR primer mix (1 nmol each primer, sufficient for 200 reactions). Before use, reconstitute the primer mix in 200 µl dH2O to make a final concentration of 10 µM.
ERK 通路 | Cell Signaling Technology
MAPK/Erk 信号级联放大通过生长和分化中涉及的各种不同受体进行激活,包括受体酪氨酸激酶 (RTKs)、整合素以及离子通道。 由不同的刺激物激活的级联反应的特定组分差异较大,但通路的结构通常包含一组对接蛋白(Shc、GRB2、Crk 等),它们将受体连接到一个鸟苷酸交换因子上(SOS、C3G 等),信号则转导至小分子 GTP 结合蛋白 (Ras,Rap1),后者再激活级联中的核心单位,包括一个 MAPKKK (Raf)、一个 MAPKK (MEK1/2) 和 MAPK (Erk)。 激活的 Erk 二聚 …